Tag Archive for: rogue

Results Klazienaveen seminar

Yesterday I was the guest speaker for the photoclub in Klazienaveen. I’ve been there before and its always a very motivated and fun club.

The theme was shooting with speedlights in the most boring locations. Literally the room of the seminar. And to make things even more challenging, the original model got sick. But luckily they found a new one and we could continue the seminar. (thx Reny)

All images where shot with the Nissin speedlights using the rogue flashbender and the magnetic system. It’s a super flexible system which makes it possible to take all these different kind of shots in a standard room while teaching 😉

You can find rogue at www.rogueflash.comhttp://www.rogueflash.com or www.rogueflash.nl for the Benelux

A cool background and light shaper

Never thought the new #rogue umbrellas would make such an impact on my work.

We all know umbrellas. It’s the first thing we often start with. This is also probably why most people don’t like them.

But when you start using them with knowledge that’s more that when you started out 😉 it’s a super flexible light shaper.

In these shots I’m using the black #rogue umbrella with sleeve and the new “block block” backdrop from #clickpropbackdrops

Normally i would have use a large softbox (read much more expensive) for this shot. But the nice thing is that you can also totally use the umbrella as a very focussed lightsource by feathering the light. And it spreads enough for fill

The umbrella in short… Is awesome.
#iqwire #hensel #AQCOLOR #alphapro #hensellighting #calibrite #kfconcept #modelphotography #workshops

Model : felisa

Nadine and the Rogue snoot

In todays blogpost some images we shot with our model/stylist and allround cool girl Nadine.
The backdrop is our Graffiti door from ClickPropsBackdrops.

I’m using our Rogue snoot here on a Nissin speedlight.
To get an extra “nasty” edge to the light I did not use a diffusion panel inside the gel holder.
You normally use this to get a more rounder “nicer” quality of light (and most of all softer), all things I didn’t want for this shoot.

So lets take a look at the images and what I changed during the set.

The first image was shot with just the snoot on a pretty wide setting.
I love the harsh quality of light in the center and the softer edges, it really gives the light a dual personality if you know what I mean. And for this setup I really liked that almost Rock and Roll lighting.

However for the next two images I decided to open up the shadows.
I’m using the omnidirectional dome from our Rogue magnetic system here with a blue gel. You just place it in the same line as your main light source and meter it a few stops below the main light.

I really love the effect.

And with Rock and Roll lighting…. we need some black and white.

And a guitar…..


The Rogue products are available via www.frankdoorhof.com/shop or at your favourite camerastore selling Rogue.

Umbrellas are awesome…. are they ?

In todays video I’m working with our Rogue fibreglass umbrella and show you some cool things you can do with it.

You can order the umbrella kit via www.frankdoorhof.com/shop or your favourite camerastore that sells Rogue products.