Tag Archive for: photoshoot

WorldWidePhotowalk Amsterdam

October 13th it’s time again for the Scott kelby World Wide Photowalk.
This is an event I’m always looking forward to, without any doubt a fun day with loads of photography tips flying around and of course a lot of networking and new friends, but most of all an opportunity to test out new cameras (it was my first experience with the X100 for example) and to get some amazing shots.

Last year I hosted the walk in Kampen and this year I decided to host a walk in our capital and great city for photowalks Amsterdam. Without any doubt a city that will give you a tremendous amount of options. The official Photowalk will start at 11:00AM and will take 2 hours. But…. after the official part I will be there for the rest of the day and more than willing to go on with a smaller (or the same) group. Maybe throw in some models/strobes etc 😀



There is only room for 50 walkers (oh my why do I think about the walking dead now???) so be quick and join me and 50 other photographers on October 13th.
Join us at : http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/amsterdam-nh-the-netherlands-centraal-station/ 

Cool hair for free ? or little ?

In the previous post we talked about styling and the many things you can do to enhance your photoshoot.
I already briefly talked about “pushing” your makeup artist to also try to do something with hair, and I know that a lot of makeup artists claim to not be hairstylists, I also know that a lot of them, when they try, can do some amazing stuff with hair. And again this can really have an impact on the shoot.

There is however a nicer option.
What you can do is visit your local hairdresser and talk them into joining you for some sessions, the promise of some nice poster prints they can hang in their store, use on their internet site etc. will often make them more than willing to join your team. Make sure you have a nice model that is not afraid to have her or his hair done and you’re into photography heaven (well at least for me).


In this post some images I shot over the last few year for hairdressers, I have to add that for me these sessions were commercial sessions because there was a lot more work covered than I would do in free work sessions, but you can do the same with a local hairdresser if they are “freaky” 🙂 The only thing you have to do is visit them, show a nice portfolio and talk them into it. Do remember however when going into the conversation that you are offering something they really want, they just don’t know it yet. Because let’s face it, most of the images you see at your local hairdressers are from the manufacturer of the materials they use and not real work that the hairdresser did, so maybe offer them to shoot some normal images and 1 or 2 “freaky” ones giving you both something you can use. I say this because some hairdressers (especially the smaller local ones) will not be willing to work if you only do the more elaborate ones because they will never do something like this in real live, but they are often more than willing to hang some images from their normal everyday work… but also be aware that some really don’t want it, I always call them the hairdressers that are like photographers that only do passport images (and nothing more), they have a job and that is doing this or that but there is no real passion there, if that’s the case, just leave and find the next one.

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Some random shots from Lisanne

Sometimes we try something new in the studio.
Most of the times this is the start of something that I will try to work out in the future, in this case I wanted to create some “impossible” light setups. For this setup I shot the scene first without the model and later added the model(s) and the lights and blended those together to the end result. For this setup I used really flat lights, in the future this will be changed to more contrast lights.

During the day we also did some video to test out the new Sapphire Edge plugins for Final Cut Pro X for which I’m part of their beta program. The plugins are great and open up a lot of creativity. So during the day I also went outside with Lisanne to do some natural light shots and did some video to test out Final Cut Pro X before starting to use it on an assignment later this month (a new videoclip).

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Dagmar and Vincent arty nudes

I get a lot of mails about photoshoots and ideas that people want to work out with me.
I love fashion stuff and if it’s really a good idea or the clothing is stunning I will often be willing to do photoshoots that benefit my own portfolio on TFP basis. Sometimes however I also get questions about nude images and although I’m not against nudes I often refuse the shoots because the ideas are not fitting for what I find acceptable (one could say I’m really picky when it comes to nudes), of course I do the occasional glamour but actually I never did a male/female photoshoot with nudes.

However when Dagmar and Vincent asked me I did not have to think long (although I have to admit I did not say yes right away), both have already modeled for me before and I loved working with them and both have great bodies so this could actually work out. Because I hardly use nudes in my portfolio my “demand” was that we also did some more clothed shots, in this blog post you can some of the results we selected from this series. Do remember that the images can be considered NSFW in some countries. Although you don’t see anything and the images are not “erotic” I still do warn, so click here if you want to see them.

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