Tag Archive for: photography

Sweden Pt III : Marstrand

One of the locations our friend gave us was Marstrand.
Park the car and take the ferry to the island, there is also an old fortress was all he told us.


When visiting Sweden I can HIGHLY recommend this area, it’s a very nice town to just walk around and relax, when you do climb all the way to the fort you will not be sorry, I have to be honest that I wanted to skip the fort, I’m not really a kind of person that likes the “touristy” stuff but Annewiek wanted to go so we went up and I have to say I’m incredibly happy I did, the view over the city was priceless and I can really advise you to do the same thing. Also the restaurants are really nice 😀


Zweden  (212 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (216 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (223 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (237 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (302 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (313 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (348 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (354 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (366 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (371 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO


Sweden Pt II : Abandoned Sweden

As photographers we often love abandoned places, it’s something about them that has an enormous interest factor for me personally, the structure, the stories behind them etc. So when we are traveling I’m always on the look out for these places. One of the ways to have a bigger chance of finding them is to drive “off road” and I don’t mean plow through the fields of course but drive the B-C roads, which sometimes can be a challenge for an RV but often it works out great.


We found this building in the middle of crossroads and of course I had to stop to take some pictures.

Zweden  (28 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (34 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (40 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (41 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (42 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (49 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO

Zweden  (56 of 496) June 26 2015_DxO


Now there are also other ways to find these places we found out…….
For our RV we use a special RV nav system from Garmin, and don’t get me wrong I love the system and the way the sat nav works but we found out (on several occasions) that the POI database is, let me put this VERY mildly, not really something you can “trust” and again I put this very mildly. For example when finding a campground we ended up in the middle of nowhere between cows with no way to turn the RV around, so that was a moment where I was incredibly glad we have a backup camera and Annewiek to assist me all the way back. And we found this very quite place when we typed in a good fish restaurant… well maybe one day it was there but now we just found this (which actually made the hunger go away for a minute).

Zweden  (116 of 265) June 27 2015_DxO

Zweden  (119 of 265) June 27 2015_DxO

Zweden  (122 of 265) June 27 2015_DxOUsing sat nav is cool and we wouldn’t want to be without it, but the POI we now get from our iPhones who appear to be a lot more accurate (and yes we are running the latest update, actually it was released 2 days before we left)


If you are really into this kind of stuff make sure to plan your trip because I’m sure we will be receiving loads of emails from people that know much cooler places just a few km’s out of the way from where we travelled, so when we normally plan a trip ahead we will actually scout them before we leave and store them into the sat nav, this trip we didn’t do that and just let the day surprise us.


Sweden Pt I : Fjällbacka

A while ago we bought an RV (in Dutch Camper) for the location workshops for the simple reason I was growing tired of playing tetris with our baggage and gear every night or ending up on locations without facilities, so an RV seemed like the best solution, just drive to the location and you’re all set, and when you have to travel a lot Annewiek can drive and I can do some work. Another reason was that we actually never ever can book a holiday because in our line of business you never know when you have a week off (actually almost never) or if you have a week off something interesting can come up so you have to cancel one (and most of the times the holiday will loose), with an RV you just turn the key and drive away so everything can be last minute. This is also how our trip to Sweden went, nothing was planned we just left (with some help from a student of mine who is from that area for some cool spots of course).


In the coming blogposts I’ll share some of my (what I call) holiday snapshots and share some of the stories behind them, see it as a peek into our trip and of course I hope you enjoy them. One added note, during the trip we decided to film several tips on the road and on the locations we visited and Annewiek is (as we speak) editing this all together for my first ever instructional video on travel and street photography.


Stop number 1 was Fjällbacka.
I wanted to visit this place because according to wikipedia it was the home of Swedish crime writer Camilla Läckberg and many of her books take place in or around Fjällbacka. And it was the favorite place for Ingrid Bergman so it had to be something special. And it was.


Up the mountain
Now I love to hike and see things so when I saw an option to climb a mountain I thought “why not” and although it was hot it was very much worth the while, the views were absolutely stunning, however you had to off the path for the really nice views, but hey isn’t that always the case (just make sure to not fall down because there are NO barriers, which actually surprised me a bit).


Here are some images from the hike and the view.

Zweden  (104 of 479) June 24 2015-HDR-Edit

Zweden  (133 of 479) June 24 2015-HDR-Edit

Zweden  (139 of 479) June 24 2015-HDR-Edit

Zweden  (169 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (191 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (194 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (198 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (202 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (212 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO



But there was a lot more to see of course, so here are some images from the town itself, as you can see loads of water and boats, but also some interesting people 😀

Zweden  (234 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (235 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (237 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (243 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (320 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (341 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (350 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (231 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (229 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (228 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (225 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (222 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (220 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (89 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (84 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (51 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (39 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO

Zweden  (26 of 479) June 24 2015_DxO


Digital Classroom July 1

Today we finished the second broadcast of our digital classroom project.
In this project I try to bridge the cap between the videos and the normal workshops.
In the videos you watch and learn but in workshops you can have a great interaction with our team to ask whatever questions you want and I will incorporate that into the workshop and because we work with smaller groups during the workshops that is an even greater learning experience, but there was absolutely nothing in between so… we created “Digital classroom”.


In “Digital classroom” we stream live from our studio and I show different techniques on both lighting, working with the model and of course retouching (and much more). Now setting something like this up takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money so we are incredibly grateful to have the support of BenQ and Rogue as our main sponsors to make this possible, but also thanks to CameraNu.nl and LedGo we now have proper lighting on set (also not unimportant).


Because we use Google+ for the broadcast people can ask questions during the broadcast which (if possible) will be answered on the spot, another advantage is that as soon as the broadcast stops it’s available for those who missed it….. so here you go enjoy the “Digital classroom” from July 1st.
The next one will be on August 26.