Tag Archive for: model

WorldWidePhotowalk Amsterdam

October 13th it’s time again for the Scott kelby World Wide Photowalk.
This is an event I’m always looking forward to, without any doubt a fun day with loads of photography tips flying around and of course a lot of networking and new friends, but most of all an opportunity to test out new cameras (it was my first experience with the X100 for example) and to get some amazing shots.

Last year I hosted the walk in Kampen and this year I decided to host a walk in our capital and great city for photowalks Amsterdam. Without any doubt a city that will give you a tremendous amount of options. The official Photowalk will start at 11:00AM and will take 2 hours. But…. after the official part I will be there for the rest of the day and more than willing to go on with a smaller (or the same) group. Maybe throw in some models/strobes etc 😀



There is only room for 50 walkers (oh my why do I think about the walking dead now???) so be quick and join me and 50 other photographers on October 13th.
Join us at : http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/amsterdam-nh-the-netherlands-centraal-station/ 

Esther images

Today some images from Esther.
These were shot during the filming of the new episode of “The DOORhof is always open” that was released last week (see iTunes and www.youtube.com/frankdoorhof), some of the images you have seen in the podcast, but there are also some new ones from the “after session” 😀

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Angela composited

Once every few weeks there is a very special workshop called Advanced II.
In this workshop I actually take a giant risk every time I teach it, the topic of the workshop is compositing.
The first 2 hours the students get a theory seminar about getting better shots based on not only model photography but also on street, sports, live and privat photography, this is always a very nice and inspiring part to teach, actually it’s also part of the tour we are doing “why fake it when you can create it”.


After this seminar the model is ready but we first select backgrounds, I want to have most of the shots we use for this seminar from my own library, in other words I don’t want to use stock that much. One can of course easily buy some stock images but for me most of the fun is knowing you have build everything from your own work. I do this first to determine the position and angle of view I place the lights and shoot from. Now the challenge lies in the fact that I set my self the task to do the compositing while the model gets ready for the next outfit, and trust me that’s sometimes not that long. Overal most composites you see in these workshops are done within 30 minutes.


Today I walk you to three of them very quickly we did last Friday (the 13th) with Angela.

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Sometimes a mistake can be cool

When using a digital back (in the case a Leaf AptusII7) on a camera like the Mamiya RZ67ProII one can run into a problem when shooting to quick… in 99% of the cases this means you can throw away the images, but sometimes an interesting image comes out.

What happens is that part of two images are mixed together but also a lot of “artifacts”. Normally the back will tell the camera when you can shoot again, but with the RZ67ProII there is no “communication” between the back and camera, so officially I have to wait for the beep….. when you don’t in the heat of the moment stuff like this can happen, it happens rarely but when it does…. very very rarely something comes out that is fun enough to share, but this time I think it was interesting.