Tag Archive for: glamour

Playing with light

Light is our language in photography.
When you play around with language you get poetry.
So why not play around with light……


All images were shot during a workshop with Lenaa using one strobe from the back.
Meter was used aimed approximately 45 degrees away from the camera to get the right balance between blowing out the sides but still keep enough detail in the face.


So don’t be afraid to break the “rules” because in “art” there are no rules in my opinion, it’s one big play area where you set the limits to what you do.

Lenaa December 28 2013 (33 of 79)-Edit

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The glamour pose

One pose I can’t get enough off is the ones you see in this post.
A lot of people ask me for a glamour shot but often the models are not experienced models so posing can be a bit difficult. With this pose you can really work some magic with inexperienced models, now add a really good model and you have (well at least in my opinion) a great powerful shot.


The trick is to shoot this from a low angle and as wide open as possible, you could for example only use the modeling lights from the strobes if you have too much power. I used a very narrow beam of light by using a reflector with grid, but the same pose actually also works really good in hotel rooms (on the bed/floor etc.) with broad natural light.


The main thing you have to take care of is the way the “angle” works, find the curves in the body and let the model play with her arms and chin, I like the pose best when there is a lot of tension in the body of the model.


So the next time you are asked for a powerful “glamour shot” think about this one.
Good luck.

Marie November 21 2013-130-Edit

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New images Bianca

Last week Bianca was in our studio for a photoshoot.
I’ve been shooting with Bianca for over 6 years and although she does not visit regularly we always try to do at least one session a year 😀 Today some of my favorite images from the session.

Color editing is done by DxO by the way, DxO optics and Filmpack 3.
I’m more and more beginning to love that combination, LOADS of options and possibilities.

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Some images from PSW

Without any doubt PhotoshopWorld is for me one of the highlights of the year.
PhotoshopWorld is switching between the east and west coast and is held twice a year.
To say that PhotoshopWorld is just a tradeshow is a big understatement, yes there is an expo floor with a lot of booths, but most of all PhotoshopWorld is about teaching, imaging being taught by the best instructors in the world in Photoshop, Photography, Lightroom etc. you will be blown away by the choices you have. During the day there are seminars from early morning to late in the evening, and then there are the parties, midnight madness, portfolio reviews, panels and so much more…. it’s mind boggling. The main attraction of PhotoshopWorld is that the teachers are not the “demo-ers” you normally see at trade shows, imaging seeing Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, Dave Black etc. at work on the Expo floor in the booths explaining their tricks, you feel what I mean ? 😀

I always tell people that my favorite times of the year are my birthday, christmas and PhotoshopWorld.
For me (and all other instructors) it’s a huge honor to be able to call myself one of the instructors at PhotoshopWorld, this time was my fourth PhotoshopWorld in a row and the second where I taught a so called Pre-con workshop.

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