Tag Archive for: Fashion

Video session Rianne

April 27th we did a live stream from our studio with Rianne.
I already posted a blog post about this session and promised a backstage video, well here it is 🙂

First shots with the lensbaby composer pro

Last week I got a composer pro in the mail from the nice people at lensbaby.
The delivered it with the fisheye and soft focus options which I will review/test later in the coming weeks. In this blog post I will give some attention to the composer pro itself.
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Small flash workshop Corine

I recently added small flash to the line up of workshops, and today it was Corine’s turn for her first small flash workshop. During these workshops I really go into the E-TTL system in depth and explain all the problems you can experience with E-TTL but most of all how to solve them, manual is of course also part of the workshop.

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Working with backgrounds in the studio

Ok I promised to to blog till Monday, but hey…..

I decided to do an in between blog post about some of the questions that were asked in the last few days, so let’s go.

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