Tag Archive for: Elinchrom

Elinchrom LiteMotiv sample

A lot of people have asked me about my ideas on the Elinchrom LiteMotiv.
I won’t make a review on this modifier for the simple reason…what’s there to tell you guys except how it looks and let’s be honest you can see that online right?


What I will tell you, and show you is some of the samples I made with it and what it can do.


In this sample I placed our model Manon straight between our custom background which was placed in a very sharp V shape.
The only light used was the LiteMotiv 1.50 direct without any diffusion material. Retouch was done in Photoshop with mostly just adding some MacPhun Intensify (and a very slight vignette).


What I like about the LiteMotiv can be clearly seen in this shot.
The light quality is different from a large softbox, it has more “pop” or “bite” as I love to call it. And because the box is almost round you can even play with some awesome vignetting when you feather the light (something I did not do here).


Overall I think Elinchrom placed a very interesting product on the market which will have a large draw on fashion shooters like myself and people that just don’t like that overly soft image quality but want something a bit more “poppy” 😀

Manon Juni 13 2015 1167

Digital classroom EP1 (the test)

Last week saw the release of a new series in our educational program.
I’ve done a lot of workshop and webinars and both are 100% different, a workshop is a real 1:1 experience (we always work with small groups), a webinar is more a “watch and learn” experience.


For a long time I wanted to do something in between and never had the chance to do it, setting this up costs a lot of money as you can imagine (different camera angles, assistants, fast internet etc) but thanks to our friends at BenQ, Rogue and of course Elinchrom we finally were able to pull it off.


We dubbed it the “try out episode” but as far as we could see everything went very smoothly and what we ended up doing was a 3 hour intense instructional video with interaction from you guys.


We did not promote it a lot because we didn’t want a lot of people online if it would go wrong 😀 but… don’t worry we recorded it and you see it via this blogpost (or on our YouTube channel of course).


Please feel free to share the link, watch it and comment on it here or on YouTube, the idea is to do these kind of sessions 10x a year and normally they will have a topic just like the workshops, so except some smoke, movement, masks, location work etc.


Is it the same as a workshop?
No of course not 😀
A workshop is much more intense and has way more interaction, but I think we bridged the gap between a webinar and a small group workshop.


Is it the same as your instructional videos?
No of course not 😀
The instructional videos and the KelbyOne videos I do are much more in depth and will have totally different topics. The idea of the digital classroom is to show you guys how we work, what we do to complete a photoshoot and you can interact and ask questions, it’s not meant to replace the instructional videos or our other videos like on KelbyOne, if this gives you the hunger for more…. there are actually those options… book a workshop or watch/buy the instructional videos.


Many thanks to our friends at BenQ, Rogue and Elinchrom to make this possible.

Results Day 1 Platja D Aro workshops

Last week we visited the beautiful Platja D Aro to teach two workshops for their yearly Photographic festival.
Now let me tell you firstly that I love Platja D Aro, it’s not only an awesome location with many great sightseeing areas close by but also the people are really relaxed and friendly, so we were looking forward to it when they asked us back for this year, but it’s not only that of course, I always want to go home with some cool shots and we had some cool locations this time.


The shots I show today were taken during day 1 in the Castle.
All shots were done with Elinchrom RX packs.


Many thanks to :

Muriel de Jong
La Terrassa hotel & spa

Castell-Platja d’Aro
Cromalite: Elinchrom
Trendy models
Piubella models agency
Monica Salvarani make up and styling  (make up sponsored by gothic.com)
our Translaters
Jordi Clopés
Obsession clothing and shoes

Platja D Aro May 8 2015  0228 1

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Anna during a workshop with the new Elinchrom Quadra ELB400

Elinchrom just released their new Quadra ELB400.
We got the chance to play with it for a while and a review will follow soon, but today some images I shot outside with Anna during a workshop.
First image is natural light, the other is with the new Quadra.


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