Tag Archive for: backup

Toughtech duo backup solution

We’re on the road a lot and one thing that always worries me (well there are a lot of things that worry me but that’s another story) is my data. In the past I travelled with 2 separate harddrives with USB3 connections that made pretty fast backups, but I have to be honest it’s not the perfect solution.


So I was looking for a small Raid1 system where I did not have to think about backupping but where it would just happen. In other words, write everything to one drive and the enclosure automatically writes it also to the second (as Raid1 works).


During a tradeshow in the UK my buddy Glyn Dewis showed me his Toughtech Duo setup and I was sold. This review I’m writing after working with the system on the road.


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Many people ask me about this so I thought it was time for another blogpost about backup….
In my opinion one of the most important things in the world to prevent dissasters.
Just to note, this image was found online so it’s not mine, but I think it describes the situation VERY well.


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A start of the new year and I think time for a small blog post about something that is often overlooked and give some REAL big problems. Backups….

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