Tag Archive for: austria

Workshops Austria Day 3

For the final day of the workshops in Austria we moved locations, the palace was wonderful but the next location got my creative juices flowing like crazy (hope this translates the way I mean it, if not sorry :D).

After a 20 minute drive from our home base (the palace) we arrived at the castle.
Although the inside locations attracted me and I would normally start there I somehow decided to start outside, now this was a very good thing to do because we were not yet completely finished (to be precise one student still wanted to make 2-3 shots) and it started to rain and it did not stop for the rest of the day, talk about being lucky.

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Workshops Austria Day 2

Today the images from the second day of workshops in Austria.
For the second day we also used the Palace.
However I used a slightly different approach for the shots.
For the first set we moved to the so called mirror room and the students were given a very simple assignment (well so they thought), “make a shot as a group within 15 minutes, and blow me away”…. I use this kind of assignments often to let the group work together and learn how important it is to work as a team, and they did great…. the group used strobes (although did not meter them…… 🙁 ) but in the end, believe it or not…. I was blow away by a natural light shot which also won the overal competition price of the whole competition…. I’m proud (well done Maria).


After the assignment I did several sample shots in the mirror room, here is one of the results.

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Workshops Austria Day 1

Last week I taught an intense 4 days workshop in Austria, actually it were 3 full days from 10:00-18:00 and one seminar on Lightroom and Photoshop, but still that’s 4 days of course. For me it’s been a while since I was in Austria, I remember my parents and grandparents always going there on holidays and I still had very vague memories on those trips (all positive).

Without any doubt it’s a beautiful country and I loved Vienna, you have seen my street photography images from Vienna in the previous blogposts. But starting today I will show you in 3 posts the workshops images. I’ve decided to do it by day because otherwise it’s probably a bit much for one post. So today the images from day 1.

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