About technique and more.

Shooting in the snow

YES we have snow in the Netherlands, well actually we have had snow since this weekend. The funny thing about the Netherlands (well actually not funny) is that immediately the whole country lies flat on it’s back, incredibly long traffic jams, no more trains and I wonder how long it will take this time before the salt runs out. Yes you read it correctly we use salt to make “sure” the roads aren’t slippery. The last few years every time the government claims that they have learned from the last time and that there will be more than enough salt, and every time it’s gone within a week 🙂

But of course we also photograph in the snow and this brings some problems, so today some small tips and a small video containing the tips.

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Compositing with Nadine

Last Saturday it was time again for the new Advanced II workshop.
This workshop has recently been changed to a workshop with compositing as theme. During the workshop the students first get a 2 hour theory part about inspiration and getting shot, during this part the model gets ready for the first set. During the workshop there are app. 3 sets. After each set the model changes and in that time I show the group how to make the final images you see in this post. I do put myself up to a limit of 20 minutes per shot, so some images can look a bit rushed in some areas, but do remember they where shot during a workshop.

In this blog post some small information about how to make a quick composite.

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Looking into the camera or not

The last few days you have read some tips and saw some images from the workshop with Susanne, today just a post with the rest of my favorite shots from that workshop. And one last tip from that series.

A lot of people struggle with the question “Should my model look into the camera, or not?”
Well I think there is no real 100% answer that will fit all situations, for me it’s often more interesting if a model doesn’t look into the camera, but sometimes it’s so much stronger if she does. When you are in doubt, always shoot both. It sounds like a very obvious tip however it’s one that is often overlooked. Somehow you sometimes seems to be locked into a “program” mode and forget to think about the other options. Especially with the “looking into the camera” shots it’s however very easy to shoot both very quickly. In most of my light setups it will however not work because I often place my light sources under a more extreme angle, but in a case like this I will always try both…. my personal favorite ? the second one 🙂

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Some more tips from a workshop

Today some more images and tips from the workshop I did last week with Susanne.

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