About technique and more.

Quality vs Speed vs What the…..

During seminars and workshops a lot of the students ask me “why did you choose Lightroom and switched from Aperture”, or “I will not use Lr because CaptureNX is much better for my Nikon files”, or “Capture One is better than Lr so why Lr” etc. the list goes on and on and on……


Images in this blogpost are from google search, so not my own.

Well today my opinion on this.
When I started out with digital photography I wanted the best image quality possible…. well ok….. it stopped there, first of all to be able to work with the RAW files was limiting my options like crazy, actually only Photoshop was a valid option, maybe bridge and I found a cool program later on called ACDsee which worked pretty well. Over the years MUCH has changed, we now have a choose of RAW convertors that will make your head spin, the ones I use(d) are Lightroom, Capture One, DxO and Aperture to name just the big ones. I experimented with Silkypix for a while for my Fuji’s but was glad that Lr started with support for those because somehow the workflow was just something I could not get used to (or wanted).

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Faces of Los Angeles

It’s no secret that I love shooting people.
Don’t get me wrong, I really mean photographing people of course.
In fashion photography it’s easy, you can ask the model to do certain poses over and over again (to a certain limit) so you can really get the shot you want. With celebrities it’s a bit more stressful because you don’t have that much time and the pressure on those shoots are always a bit higher than a normal fashion shot (although some can be really stressful).

Over the last few years I’ve developed another love for shooting people, namely on the street.
Now one could argue about how to call this, is it street photography?, Streetportraits?, Candids?
Whatever you call it it’s something I love to do. In this blog post some tips and tricks and a lot of images.

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Some tips for travel photography

Let me start off by telling you that I don’t think of myself as a great travel photographer, my main focus is fashion/glamour and teaching those areas of photography. However thanks to my work I do travel a lot and over the years I’ve been building a portfolio from the shots I take during the trips that I even feature on my website, meaning that I really like those shots. Of course most of the images I took 2-3 years ago are now replaced by new ones, and the new ones I like a lot better so I’m learning every trip.


During my seminar “being creative and getting the shot” there is a lot of attention for some parts of travel/street photography and people respond very positive to this part of the seminar, so I thought it would be fun to share some tips on the blog, I hope it will help you out on your next trip/vacation to take better shots. And remember that ALL these techniques also translate to model/fashion/glamour photography.


Find reflections
Reflections are found everywhere, you can start out with some reflections of yourself in sunglasses or in windows, but it gets more interesting when the reflections are getting bigger and what is better for this than huge skyscrapers. Play a bit with the tilt of your camera (angle) and you can create some very interesting looking images.

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Because we can….

I know you just love the blogposts about doing shoots without any budget so I thought let’s post another one of those.
In this case we look at our model Gwendolyne, she is wearing an amazing creation she made herself with (and I hope this is the correct translation) Bubble plastic 😀

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