About technique and more.

Quick calibration tip

We all know that calibrating our monitors is something that’s very important, right?
But how do we calibrate?
Well there is a lot of talk around the web about this and also a lot of problems that can happen when you do it wrong.

For example did you ever notice a difference in brightness between Lightroom and Photoshop?
In other words, the images in Lightroom look great but when you open them up in Photoshop they are a bit too bright and there sometimes is some banding in darker areas?


Chances are that you have a defective colorprofile for your monitor.
“But Frank I calibrated with a great color analyzer so how can that happen?”


With most analyzers you can set 2 different kind of profiles, a V4 and V2.
If you experience the brightness differences between Lightroom and Photoshop make 100% sure that you are using a V2 profile, if you use a V4 profile chances are that Lightroom is showing everything correct and Photoshop makes a mess out of it, the problem is that with most images people won’t see a lot of difference, but when you open up something that’s really dark and barely has detail in Lightroom you will find out that in Photoshop there is a lot more detail, this is when you know that there is a problem. Now check your software settings and make sure that you are using a V2 profile. You can find this in the preferences or settings.


Other settings I use for photo editing  :
Gamma 2.2
Colortemp D65
Brightness 120-130cdm
Profile V2

The DOORhof is always open Ep9

Today it’s time for the release of the 9th episode of our videowebpodcast “the DOORhof is always open”.
This time with interviews with Drew Gardner, Alastair Jolly, Maisy James, Larry Becker, Steve Howdle, James Schmelzer, Rick Sammon and much more….. You can find it on iTunes and YouTube.

This is how we do it…..

Today, as the title says a “this is how we do it…” post.
Saturday it was time for the Small flash workshop with our model Carmen.
Now during these workshops most of the time I will use the flashbender products, and as you already know I love these products, they are without any doubt a whole studio packed into a very small package, and when traveling this is a great thing as you can imagine.


Now because some of you ask me to show some setup images I thought it would be fun to show you a very simple setup you can do yourself with the portrait lighting kit from Rogue. In this case I used the grid with red gel and the new striplight. Strobes are the Sony’s triggered by the Phottix Odin system. So let’s start with the end result.

Carmen Maart 23-1425-Edit

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Wide angle fun

Now according to some people there are rules in photography, for example ask 100 photographers about the perfect portrait lens and most will say “well as long as it’s not below 85mm” other answers will vary from 85-135 to 200 but most will agree that too wide is not good…. well today I want to trigger your imagination a little bit by showing some portrait/model work I did over the last few months with wider angles.

A wide angle will distort the image, but I strongly believe that if you do it with that in mind it can give you some great results.

Wide angles are.....

Wide angles are…..

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