The story of old/vintage
It’s not a secret that I love vintage, you can see it in my shots styling wise, you can see it in the tinting I use in Photoshop and if you would ever visit our studio you will find several references to the “old days”. My preference is the 50-60-70’s and the more kitsch the better. Now that we got this out of the way let’s talk photography….
One of the most asked questions from photographers is “What camera should I buy” followed by “which lens should I buy” often followed (a few weeks later) by “should I start teaching workshops” or “should I go pro”.
Most of the times I will of course tell them that the best camera is the one that works the fastest, for example for street style shooting I’m in love with the FujiFilm cameras, for studio work I love the Medium format system and my Sony A99, but I know a lot of people that will tell you/me that they hate the EVF and will never get used to that (well good luck in a few years) and that they love Canon or Nikon, meaning who is right??? Well I strongly believe nobody is right, but also nobody is wrong. If everyone loved the same thing the world would be very boring.
Take for example the Fujifilm cameras, I’m in love with the X-E1 with a silver top in the very basic vintage looking brown carrying case, I couldn’t be more happy with a camera, in the studio I just love to shoot with the Mamiya RZ-67ProII with my Leaf Credo60 back….. you see a pattern my friends…. 😀 Yep, the cameras I really love are all looking (or are) vintage, now don’t get me wrong I still love my Phase One DF body and Sony A99, but I love this for performance, their appearance doesn’t make my heart beat one beat faster.
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