News about StudioFD, Frank Doorhof, and more.

Updated our webshop with instructional videos

Updated the instructional video part of 
We moved some DVDs to the “classic” label, meaning lower pricing and of course also lower pricing for the downloads.

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So make sure to check out the instructional DVDs or download and order them online, all DVDs and downloads are jampacked with tips and hints and are at least 60 minutes of instructional material (live in Boston over 130 !!!).


And with the new “classic” label pricing they are more affordable than ever (starting at just 20.00 per video).

New Jersey / New York workshops April 13-14

It’s almost time for the workshops in New Jersey / New York on April 13-14.
These workshops are going to be a little bit more special because we’re not only shooting in two breath taking locations but also because the topic this time will be glamour/boudoir with a fashion twist, a combination I hardly ever teach abroad because I need a special kind of models for this, we do it this time however because we are working together with Maria from and let’s be honest….. wow. If there is one workshop this year you really don’t want to miss it’s this one 🙂

Lenaa 21 December 2012 -_-747-EditDay 1 we will be shooting in a classic car dealership some of the topics will be :
Metering and manipulating light, finding the right pose, styling a shot, adding some magic ingredients like smoke and color, working with high contrast lighting, white or black canvas techniques (new topic), working with mix lights, calibrating your workflow, Photoshop/Lightroom tips, choosing the right gear, caching the model, finding the right models and much much more.


Day 2 we will be shooting in a more boudoir setting, a beautiful house some of the topics will be :
Using mix lights, shooting that glamour shot without going over the top, expression of the model, finding the right combinations in color and clothing, working in tight spaces, maximizing the location by choosing the correct angles, working with a calibrated workflow, Photoshop/Lightroom tips and much much more.


For Day 2 we are now fully booked.
For Day 1 we only have 2 seats available so if you want to join us please register at


Nadine added to the UK tour

Now this is gonna be SO cool.
For our UK tour which will take place between May 20th and 26th I just got confirmation that our very own Nadine Stephan will travel with me as my model but….. and it doesn’t get any better than this… she will also teach part of the workshop and tell you everything about styling and how to be creative on the spot.


Now for people who don’t know Nadine by now…… well ok there might be some.
Nadine started out as a model for my workshops some years ago and as a joke she once said “I love being part of the workshops and I want to surprise you every time I do a workshop so you will never kick me out because you get bored with me”….. well that grew into something that is best describes as “a super creative team”. Nadine is not only one of the most expressive models you can get in front of your camera but she is most of all an amazing stylist that is also able to tell the students exactly what’s going on in her mind, and trust me, if you’re not inspired after hearing what she does and seeing her work…. well you can always start flipping hamburgers at McDonalds…. having her with me on this tour is gonna be awesome and will push not only me but also the students to creative heights.

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This is without any doubt a tour you don’t want to miss.


If you want more information about dates and bookings contact our friends at the flash centre ( and they will add you to our mailing list.


Places we will visit are :
London, Birmingham and Edinburgh

New portfolio

Maybe you already noticed it, but the old portfolio has been gone for a while.
Out went a lot of images and I tried to stay below 20 images per category, and yes that did hurt.
But whatever I tried I could not find something that worked the way I wanted, the portfolio looked nice but I got a lot of questions if I also would be willing to sell prints and to build that into my own website…. well to make a long story short that did not work.


During the SWPP I met up with the guys from and it didn’t take long before I knew that I wanted to have something online under their vision. Last week I got the mail I was waiting for from their custom department with the message that I could start uploading images. So if you did not see the portfolio yet make sure to check it out via the portfolio page, or surf direct to


And if you’re looking for a great way to present your images…. well they ROCK.