My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Converting your Lightroom presets to Capture One with a few clicks

We all know the frustration.
You want to switch from one RAW convertor to another, or you use several on a regular basis and you want to use the same looks in both apps.

Up till now the best solution was to just create the presets from scratch, but what if I told you there is a solution where with a few clicks you can convert like 99% of the looks from Lightroom to Capture One….

Well in this video I show you exactly how it works with the picture instruments conversion tool.
I’m over the moon with this solution and I’m sure you guys will love it too.

Use this link for more info and also support our work.

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To get presets for these plugins without breaking the bank check

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Super review on my video about the Light Meter!

A while ago I released the first Mastering the Model Shoot video about the Light Meter. I use the light meter all the time and got a lot of questions about it. I have shared my videos with other platforms to encourage more photographers to use the light meter and get to know me of course.

why and how to use a lightmeter

One of them is Skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people, on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. On Skillshare, millions of members come together to find inspiration and take the next step in their creative journey. It’s an anual subscription. Almost 150 people watched my (only 3) videos there. Most of the time I get great reviews. But now I got one that is really terrific. Annewiek is trying to found out how to think him, but I love to share.

Frank is an excellent teacher. Some of the parts regarding reflective metering when discussing f-stops or converting form incident to reflective can be tricky but just stick to it and re-watch as needed. I am not sure any other instructor in this platform or other learning ones have done an in-depth course on meters with different use cases. What was helpful was that he explained the technique and method used, why its used that way, then followed-up with examples. Also, there was a slide you can read through each lesson to re-cap and reinforce the information through each lesson.

Are your curious now? and want to buy this video too? check out this page and scroll down.

NL interview met Annewiek over Tether Tools

Zoals je weet is Studio FD distributeur van Tether Tools in Nederland. Wij leveren kabels aan de meeste fotowinkels, maar ook aan fotografen en onze cursisten. Je vindt Nederlandse informatie op de website: maar ook op de instagram tethertoolsnl. Annewiek werd geïnterviewd via instalive en Frank maakte een screenrecording.

My car

One of my friends online challenged me to shoot my car. Now I’m far from a car photographer and the weather was really bad…. So I decided to take out my lensbaby velvet85 and go for a more creative look.

Hope you like it.