My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Natural light photoshoot

As many of you know I love to use flash on location, but what many don’t realize is that I love to just go out with a model with one camera and lens, in this case the Canon 5D MKII and Canon 70-200f2.8 IS L and nothing more except the sun. I do have to add that I mostly do this with models who already have a great portfolio from me and don’t really need something because with natural light only there always is a risc that things don’t turn out the way you want, however to be honest when you know how to search for the light in 99% of the cases the series will turn out great.

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April 11th Chez Marknesse seminar on Twitter

April 11th there will be seminar night on the use of Twitter in Chez Marknesse.
There will be several speakers, including me, that will tell the visitors about the use of twitter and how this can benefit their business.

The evening will start at 20:00 (8PM)
Location : Chez Marknesse
12.50 PP including drinks and a small snack afterwards
There is room for 100 people.

If you want to join or more information mail to : [email protected]

Of course I will tweet during the meeting (if there is internet :D)

10 December 2011 Help Portrait day

During my stay in Orlando for Photoshop World I caught up with Jeremy Cowart.
Jeremy is a great photographer from the US which is well known for his work for major stars, but what is maybe his greatest achievement is the Help portrait project. In this project it’s not about us the Photographers and the fame and fortune… no it’s about giving back, giving to people that have no means of themselves, people that maybe have never been photographed before, or in other words making people happy and changing their lives with out gift of photography.

There has been previous Help Portrait days and every year it grows, and there are some people already active in the Netherlands but what about joining forces and using every option possible to make it a huge succes this year. We are willing to take up part of the organisation and use our channels to get sponsors, attention and by this reaching more people, but also make sure that all the photographers joining this year will have a group to fall back on in case of questions or if there are any problems.

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Myam Photoshoot

My first real blog post since we’ve arrived back from Orlando.
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