My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Small flash workshop Corine

I recently added small flash to the line up of workshops, and today it was Corine’s turn for her first small flash workshop. During these workshops I really go into the E-TTL system in depth and explain all the problems you can experience with E-TTL but most of all how to solve them, manual is of course also part of the workshop.

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High key vs Low key

This one is also asked a lot and to be honest it’s a subject I don’t like to go into, but I will in this blog post.
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Working with backgrounds in the studio

Ok I promised to to blog till Monday, but hey…..

I decided to do an in between blog post about some of the questions that were asked in the last few days, so let’s go.

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this weekend no blog…. sorry but good reason :-)

You are used that I almost every day update my blog with a new item, some technique etc.
But this weekend there will be no new updates……
The reason is simple, today I’m turning 40, and as some say live starts at 40 I’m more in the opinion that my 30’s end when I hit 40 so to make a long story short I’ve planned to have my whole midlife crisis in one day (and that’s today), I will just sit down watch a few movies, read some magazines, get some creative ideas and just relax.

On Saturday I will teach the small flash workshop (which is always great for a blog post), and that night we will celebrate my birthday so no time to write than. But when those images are done I will of course pick up the regular schedule again. In the mean time, when you have something you want me to blog about this is the time to post it here and who knows, maybe I will blog about your idea/question.

Have fun this weekend, and I’m looking forward to seeing some ideas down here.