My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

My favorite shots from the WWPW2011

On October 1st and 2nd I hosted the “Scott Kelby WorldWide Photo Walk” in Kampen.
In this blog post some of my favorite shots from those 2 days.
I have to add that it was way too much fun just talking to all the guys/girls and I really should have concentrated more on shooting myself… but I got some very nice images from it I think.

The people who want to compete (or just share) and who were in my groups the link for Kampen is : 

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TwiT interview on iTunes and Cosmepix interview

Just a quick reminder that you can also download the interview/live demo I did for can also be downloaded for free via iTunes. Surf to and download the interview. It was fun doing it and I think it’s a very interesting view (with lots of tips and tricks).

I also recently did an interview for cosmepix, you can now read it here :


Plastic bullet, cool “new” plugin

I’ve already been a huge fan of “plastic bullet” for the iPhone (and now iPad).
I also asked many times “why not something like this via Photoshop, or via a stand alone program” and yes I know there is the great Alien Skin exposure 3 in which you can emulate all the film types you would ever wish for, and there is the great NIK and OnOne software, both with great options. But somehow the “clickyerdy click” method of plastic bullet is just great, just press and wait till it’s cool and every time the outcome is different, just like with a real toy camera.

Much to my delight plastic bullet is now available for the desktop under MacOsX. Today I showed it to some of my students and one even considered buying an Apple for this one alone (ok this was a bit over exaggerated, but let’s say he REALLY loved it).

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tomorrow it’s Photowalk day (and Sunday)

Man I’m really looking forward to Saturday and Sunday.
This year the official “Scott Kelby” worldwide photo walk will take place on two days, and I will be hosting both days in Kampen. Some people might ask “Why Kampen?” well I think it’s the most interesting place close to my hometown of Emmeloord. And yes Emmeloord can be interesting too but I love Kampen with it’s medieval streets, great bridge, small train station and “harbor” also there are some great HDR options and a busy shopping street with loads of interesting people…. this is gonna be so much fun.

I will of course lead the walk together with Wendy Appelman and Evita (our intern) so you can expect some nice tips and tricks and much more… but most of all it will be a fun filled walk with great photo opportunities.

We still have some room on the Sunday so if you want to join us make sure to surf to and register for the Sunday version, or just drop me a mail. Of course we will also run a competition for the “walkers” for which we opened a Flickr page.