My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Guestblog Night Photography

Today it’s time for a guestblog about something that I think is very interesting (and something I love to do whenever I can) night photography.


Night Vision
Night photography is all about taking pictures in the dark. At first glance it sounds like a lot of sleepless nights. Driving around in the middle of the night, only to be taking pictures when other people are asleep. Luckily, it is not all that dramatic. Because it starts to get really dark about an hour or so after sunset (depending on location and time of year). So during the winter you can already start early in the evening. That is, for our eyes it starts to get dark. Camera’s have the unique ability to collect light for longer times. Therefore it is possible to make pictures that look as if they were made during daytime. Even in the middle of the night. If you like to play with light, color and the effects of moving objects, night photography is the way to go. One of the exciting things about night photography, is that your photos will often contain one or more surprises. Because a camera is more sensible to light than our eyes, you will discover details you weren’t able to see in advance.


At night camera’s are able to see more and differently than our eyes. (Amsterdam)

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Natural light the best there is

Well ok, we can discuss on this topic till the cows come home (hope I got that expression correct), but although I love to use strobes I still believe that shooting with natural light can be one of the most fun things to do. If you never shoot with the available light make sure you try at least a few times during a shoot. I find that many people are so focussed onto the look they want to create with for example strobes that during the photoshoot itself they sometimes forget to also take advantage of what they already have available. And trust me sometimes you will find that those natural light shots can be the best of the whole shoot (I know I did some in between shots during sets that I actually liked more than the strobed ones).

The shots in this blogpost were all done with natural light, although I have to add that we had that beautiful soft box in the sky as our “modifier”, if you read between the lines, it was a real Dutch bad weather day, but for photographers a great day. But don’t get me wrong I also love to shoot in very harsh sunlight and get a much more contrasty look as in this image.

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Guestblog Torsten

Today a very special guestblog by Torsten.
Torsten works for the German magazine Pictures and will tell you today what an editor looks for, I think this will be very interesting for you guys….


The strange guy on the other side of the fence
You all know me in a way – at least if you’re familiar with Hollywood movies. I’m the guy with the big cigar, rolled up shirt sleeves and braces, yelling at the poor sods working for me, always running for the big story. Yes, I’m the boss, the editor in chief – in our case of a photo magazine.

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From the mainstage

During the live shoot at the Professional Imaging I shot the images you can see in this post.
The theme of the live shoot was the way that styling and movement can add to a shot and make a normally dull looking image a lot more interesting. And although there was a wall in the spot where I was supposed to be shooting I think the images turned out not too bad 🙂

One of the closer jump shots

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