Guestblog Night Photography
Today it’s time for a guestblog about something that I think is very interesting (and something I love to do whenever I can) night photography.
Night Vision
Night photography is all about taking pictures in the dark. At first glance it sounds like a lot of sleepless nights. Driving around in the middle of the night, only to be taking pictures when other people are asleep. Luckily, it is not all that dramatic. Because it starts to get really dark about an hour or so after sunset (depending on location and time of year). So during the winter you can already start early in the evening. That is, for our eyes it starts to get dark. Camera’s have the unique ability to collect light for longer times. Therefore it is possible to make pictures that look as if they were made during daytime. Even in the middle of the night. If you like to play with light, color and the effects of moving objects, night photography is the way to go. One of the exciting things about night photography, is that your photos will often contain one or more surprises. Because a camera is more sensible to light than our eyes, you will discover details you weren’t able to see in advance.
At night camera’s are able to see more and differently than our eyes. (Amsterdam)
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