My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Lightroom workflow tip

As a new Lightroom user (well this is actually not true, I’ve been using a lot in the early stages when I was still half on PC and half on Mac) it could be fun for you (the readers) to see some of the things I discover a long the way and share them as tips. Some tips might be already known, some might help you a bit with speeding up your workflow.

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Blast from the past with Corine

Maybe it’s a fun idea to show some images that are in fact really old (well for me) and give some background information to them?
If you like the concept let me know and I will do more.

During the start up period of my model photography I was working a lot with Corine, when you work a lot with someone it means that sometimes ideas are flowing like crazy and sometimes not…. well this was such a moment. Whatever we did there just was no idea that we would want to work out that we thought would be fun.

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Some images to share

Last week we filmed some new material for our friends from Rogue/Expoimaging.
I can’t share the videos yet (we’re still working on them) but did want to share some of the shots we did.

Oh and in case you’re wondering…. YES the rain (actually hail) is 100% real.
We were filming during a bit cloudy weather with sometimes the sun peaking through, nothing serious when suddenly literally the sky broke down in tears 😀 You can of course do two things, run and find cover, or keep shooting…. well for me there is only one solution… keep shooting and then RUN.

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Backstage video Nindo artists

Today a small backstage video shot during the photoshoot we did for the Nindo artists.