My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sometimes a mistake can be cool

When using a digital back (in the case a Leaf AptusII7) on a camera like the Mamiya RZ67ProII one can run into a problem when shooting to quick… in 99% of the cases this means you can throw away the images, but sometimes an interesting image comes out.

What happens is that part of two images are mixed together but also a lot of “artifacts”. Normally the back will tell the camera when you can shoot again, but with the RZ67ProII there is no “communication” between the back and camera, so officially I have to wait for the beep….. when you don’t in the heat of the moment stuff like this can happen, it happens rarely but when it does…. very very rarely something comes out that is fun enough to share, but this time I think it was interesting.

At the fair

Getting more and more fun in street photography.
Very difficult area of photography but so much fun, and for me it’s a great “escape” from the more “styled” fashion and beauty shots. You never know what’s gonna happen, if you have to run from a guy (or girl) or if you take a great portrait of someone. These images are also shown in our videopodcast but now you can see them in the blog.

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Fashion with the Credo60 and Nadine PartIII

In the final part of this series some outside shots with natural light.

Shooting with the Credo60 in natural light is a really nice thing to do.
As mentioned before in the previous posts about the Credo60, the display is a huge improvement over the previous leaf digital backs but also the speed in which you can work is something I really love, even on the card there is no buffer, meaning you can just keep firing until the card is full (well I think you can, I never tried it but let’s say that if there IS a buffer you will probably NEVER ever fill it up), and with a speed of 1 second per frame there is a really nice flow to the shots. It’s quick enough to nail some shots where the wind is a vital part of the story like in this series and it’s still “slow” enough for the model to get into her “groove”.

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Fashion with the Credo60 and Nadine Part II

Today the second series of images shot with the Leaf Credo60 and model/stylist (allround cool person) Nadine.

Today the set we shot in the studio.
One of the things a lot of my students and people online ask me when they first get to know my work is “What kind of Photoshop do you use”, sometimes people are stunned when I tell them that I actually don’t use Photoshop that much, almost everything you see in my images is “real” or not Photoshoped. For some this is hard to believe, for others it’s something that drives them to more understanding from light, so let’s take a look at what I did in these images.

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