My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

How easy it can be….

One of the most asked questions must be the one of “How do you get creative”.
Well to be honest I don’t really know, I’ve been shooting people for quite some time now and somehow I just will wait for the location and somehow it hits me on the location what to do, so in new locations I’m actually never that worried…. this drives some people mad because when they ask me what I want to do I always answer “We will see when I’m there”, I do need some things of course like certain strobes but even with those I’m rather flexible. Maybe it’s because one of mottos is “Do it with what you have”.

So how about locations where you have shot many times before…
During my workshops I love certain setups, and although I’ve shot them many, many, many times I still want them to look fresh and interesting for the people that follow my work online, it would be rather boring to see the same shots over and over again.

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WOW 1 million

Today not a real blogpost but more of something I’m proud off.
When I started this blog I never expected it to grow into something that I would update every day, it was just meant to keep people updated for let’s say once a week, share some new work etc. However when I checked the stats yesterday I saw that we needed only 400 more visitors to hit the magic mark of 1.000.000 visitors, wow.

I put a lot of work in the blog and try to share new work, videos, news, reviews and also at least once a week a blogpost dedicated to technique, and it’s great to see that you guys seem to love the blog so much. Let’s try to hit the next 1.000.000 soon 😀

Esther our new model

Today I like to introduce you to Esther.
Esther won our competition “Poldermodel 2012” and a few days ago it was her chance to do a workshop with me (and a student of course), I think we made the right decision by letting her win :D, she ROCKS!!!!!

I guess you will be seeing more Esther in the future.  Read more

Some polaroids from Gwendolyne

As you have already read on the blog I’ve started a new project with analogue and polaroids.
This will be all added together in a future episode of “The DOORhof is always open”, which by the way can now also be found on the iTunes store, so if you don’t want to miss an episode, make sure to take a subscription (it’s free).

Impossible project BLUE 100, in Mamiya RZ67ProII

Today some scans from polaroids I took during the workshop with Gwendolyne last week.

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