My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Workshops Austria Day 1

Last week I taught an intense 4 days workshop in Austria, actually it were 3 full days from 10:00-18:00 and one seminar on Lightroom and Photoshop, but still that’s 4 days of course. For me it’s been a while since I was in Austria, I remember my parents and grandparents always going there on holidays and I still had very vague memories on those trips (all positive).

Without any doubt it’s a beautiful country and I loved Vienna, you have seen my street photography images from Vienna in the previous blogposts. But starting today I will show you in 3 posts the workshops images. I’ve decided to do it by day because otherwise it’s probably a bit much for one post. So today the images from day 1.

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Photoshoot Sijmen

Today a few shots from a session we did for Sijmen de Jong a stand up comedian.
The images will be used for his up coming tour and promotion.

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Dean Collins on digital

There are people that have a major impact on your life, your career, your way of thinking etc.
For me without any doubt this was Dean Collins.
The way he explains photography is something that really opened my eyes, however also the way he taught with loads of humor,  but stil being able to explain something that seems incredibly complicated into understandable pieces of information, making people realize that in fact when you know your lights there really is not much that can’t be done. Dean mostly worked in an age where digital was not there, however here is a video fragment where he talks about digital and I think that this contains some VITAL information and will make (hopefully) some people think.

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Angela composited

Once every few weeks there is a very special workshop called Advanced II.
In this workshop I actually take a giant risk every time I teach it, the topic of the workshop is compositing.
The first 2 hours the students get a theory seminar about getting better shots based on not only model photography but also on street, sports, live and privat photography, this is always a very nice and inspiring part to teach, actually it’s also part of the tour we are doing “why fake it when you can create it”.


After this seminar the model is ready but we first select backgrounds, I want to have most of the shots we use for this seminar from my own library, in other words I don’t want to use stock that much. One can of course easily buy some stock images but for me most of the fun is knowing you have build everything from your own work. I do this first to determine the position and angle of view I place the lights and shoot from. Now the challenge lies in the fact that I set my self the task to do the compositing while the model gets ready for the next outfit, and trust me that’s sometimes not that long. Overal most composites you see in these workshops are done within 30 minutes.


Today I walk you to three of them very quickly we did last Friday (the 13th) with Angela.

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