My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Some soccer images

As many of you already know I love to shoot sports, however due to time I hardly have had time for it the last few months, because I took a small rest break after PhotoshopWorld and before Photokina I finally had some time to visit our local soccer team SCE and took some quick shots from the side line. It was not a real interesting game so I ended up with subpar results but I still love to share these.

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Disney Concert hall

For me this must be one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen.
I’m not into architecture but the way this building is designed makes it a photographers dream, I just love to zoom in and try to capture some of the curves and figures going on. Today a few of the shots I did from the Disney Concert hall in LA.

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Flying without sound

Well the title is a bit misleading.
The last few years I’ve been a lot on airplanes and one of the things I like to do is watch a documentary, play a game or watch episodes from sitcoms, actually that’s what I do most because somehow I can’t concentrate for longer than 45 minutes on a plane (I really don’t have a clue why) and sitcoms with their 20-25 minutes running time seem to be perfect.


One of the big problems however is the sound, up until the last flight I used a good quality in ear plug system that blocked a lot of sound but I needed to boost the volume and to be honest after 1-2 hours they began to irate me and the earpieces kept falling off, but you accept it because the sound is much better than anything else I tried.

For the coming months we have a lot of flights coming up and after the last debacle with my headphones I decided to look for something else, around ear noise cancelling headphones it had to be.

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During our stay in Los Angeles I posted a question on Google+ about finding some cool spots to shoot Graffiti in LA. Now let’s make one thing very clear…. you can find the most beautiful graffiti all over Los Angeles, but often the more concentrated areas are easier to shoot due to the always time pressure, and LA has some very concentrated areas. In this blog post I share a few of my favorite shots from a few of those places.

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