My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Why would you bother

Over the years I’ve had many questions about one of my favorite things to do when traveling, shooting through the front window of a car, sometimes my own (or rental) but often taxis or cars from friends. Now most people don’t even bother because somehow they think the images will be bad, and to be honest most images are indeed not that good for the simple reason that you can’t really compose the way you normally do, however it can work very well. It’s like all kinds of photography, it will take you some time to master the tricks and the results after that will get better and better.

The following images I took through the front window of a taxi that drove us through Dubai, I only bumped the contrast in Photoshop and tinted the images (and corrected some of the perspective).

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Second update Dubai

The second day in Dubai we decided to go back to the same location, the docks and textile/gold market.
The people there are incredibly photogenic and love to be photographed so in fact it’s a photographers dream 😀 overall I’m very impressed by Dubai, the people are all very friendly and are really interested in what you do and for your wellbeing, also the students and the people from Gulf Photo Plus are without any doubt wonderful. So we feel really at home in Dubai (it’s the first time ever for us to this side of the world, and we hope it won’t be the last time :D)

The shots are a mix of the Canon 5DMKIII with the Tamron 24-70VC f2.8 and the Fuji X-1Pro with the 35mm lens (which I LOVE for this kind of work).

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Introducing Lenaa

As you know we’re always looking for new models, and today I like to introduce Lenaa.
She will be one of the new models for the glamour and fashion workshops.
I’m always looking for something different in our models and I think we found another great model with Lenaa, so you will be seeing more of her.
Remember that some images might be not safe for work in some countries.

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Day 1 Dubai

As you might know we’re in Dubai for GPP (Gulf Photo Plus) where I will be teaching a 4 day workshop and do an introduction for the Sony A99 with a live shoot. However today and part of tomorrow is our “playtime” and what else to do than some photography, and Dubai is great for that.

Today an album with the images I shot on day 1, it’s a collection of different things and I share just for fun (I still don’t consider myself a good street/travel photographer).

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