My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

The DOORhof is always open Ep8

It’s time again for a new episode of “The DOORhof is always open” it’s the 8th already, time flies…


This time we have interviews with :
Corey Barker (including a cool 3D tip for Photoshop)
Mahmoud, owner of a large photo/video studio in Casablanca


Tips on : The colorchecker passport, Alien Skin


And much more, so you really don’t want to miss this one.
Of course is this episode also available via our iTunes channel.
Make sure to leave some comments on iTunes 😀

Focus on imaging

Next week I will be in the UK.
We will start at the Focus on Imaging show (March 3-6) where I will do 3 sessions per day for our friends of “The Flash Centre”.
My sessions will be announced at the booth, make sure you don’t miss them because I will try to do something different every show, and we have some wild ideas including…… well I just can’t tell you, you have to come and see for yourself.


I will be at or around the booth most of the day and we will have special offers on a selection of our DVDs which you can of course get signed right on the spot. So make sure to check us out at Focus on imaging.home-logo1-on

The Saturday after Focus on Imaging I will be in London for the London Photographic meetup group and do a longer seminar session, check out this blogpost I made about it a while ago.


I hope to see some of you during this week and if you’re not at the shows maybe we have some time in between for some guided sightseeing 🙂

Minolta 35-200 mini review

Today I take a look at the second lens in my “vintage/older” lenses series.
The Minolta 35-200 F4.5-F5.6.



Lens : Minolta 35-200mm F4.5 – F5.6
Year : app 1990’s
Price paid : 55.00 EURO
Place bought : Marktplaats/Ebay

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Minolta 135 f2.8 mini review

In my ongoing series on vintage/older lenses today I’m looking at the Minolta 135mm f2.8.



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