My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sony A7r part I

A lot of times something is released (or announced) and the words revolutionary, best in it’s class, world chancing etc. are used to make people more interested in the new product. Most of the times I have to be honest that I’m disappointed, yeah sometimes there are some things that are really new and cool but most of the times it’s just the same “old” thing in a new jacket……

Sanne Suikerfabriek October 31 2013 -65

However when I read the announcement of the new Sony A7r I was going like “oh…. I have to see that one”.


Now before we go any further I have to make something 100% crystal clear. I’m NOT paid by Sony, I’m NO Sony fanboy. However over the last year I’ve sold my Canon 5DMKIII for the Sony A99 and I recently switched away from my MacBook Pro to a Sony DUO 13, which I paid 100% out of my own pocket by the way. Sony did lend me a camera for this review and 2 lenses, but the review you will read today (and the coming days) are 100% my honest opinion.


Now why this disclaimer……
Well very simple because this camera is awesome and I wanted to make sure that you don’t think it’s an advertorial for Sony.


Let’s first take a look at the camera itself:

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Results Servix day 2

The second day of the Servix workshops were held in an old beer brewery.
An awesome location for a mix of natural light and strobed images.
Today some of these images.

Servix Day 2 October 20 2013 -66

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Results Servix workshops Day 1

Last week I was asked to teach a 2 day workshop for the Belgium company Servix.
Mainly promoting the Phase One camera/back system and of course Elinchrom.


The first day was more of a demo like day, a small seminar and a live shoot.
Today some images from that day, the fun part was that the organization wanted to block off a certain item that I saw and just wanted to put in the shot… yep a big church organ, it proves to show that sometimes the best locations are right in front of you but not seen 😀

Servix Day 1 October 19 2013 -87-Edit

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Some images from Nadine

Today some images shot during this weekends workshop with Nadine.

Nadine Oktober 25 2013-115-Edit

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