My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Warm tones and paper

Today a few images from a session with Nadine.
In this case I used the Elinchrom Deep Octa with a light tools grid aimed under an angle on Nadine.
By using a grid and aiming your light under an angle you can actually create a nice vignetting on the background.
By moving your model closer or further away from the background you can control not only the size but also the brightness of the background, in this case make sure you set this up before the model sits down.

Nadine November 11 RZ 2013-20-Edit

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Movement with Sammie

I love shooting motion so when I have the chance to do a session with action I’m always in for it.
Now sometimes people think that everything we do works…. well sometimes it does but sometimes there are things I really can’t control, like in this case the weather. I just had setup the lights the way I liked it and there the rain started, I did try some more images but because I don’t really want to shoot in the pouring rain we had to leave. I only had a very limited selection of images but I think some came out pretty nice.


For this series I went for a real almost “lomo” like look.
I used the new NIK AEP for the looks, hope you guys like them.

Sammie November 4 2013-24-Edit

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Oh do I hate being in front of the camera, but during a recent videoshoot for SmugMug we actually made a shot that I did like 🙂
MANY thanks to Anton for being a cool guy and shooting a picture of myself that I do like.
This is me with the RZ67ProII my all time favorite studio camera.

Frank Avatar Anton (1 of 8)-Edit

Some Nadine

Today just some images from a recent workshop with our model/stylist/overall nice girl Nadine 😀

Nadine November 10 2013-7-Edit

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