BTS video sugarfactory Groningen
Today a BTS video shot during the workshop I taught at the “sugar factory” in Groningen.
It also includes the final results at the end.
My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.
It’s been a crazy year, loads of highlights and of course also some dark spots, but overal we are very happy with 2013.
In 2013 our life was turned up side down by selling our computer store to get Annewiek full time into the studio and assisting me, but also making it possible to travel more for the workshops abroad, before 2013 this was limited to maximum 5 trips a year and now we are much more flexible, and we did have a blast in 2013 abroad 🙂
2013 also saw the release of my new book “Mastering the modelshoot” which was edited and designed by (I think) one of the best teams in the world at KelbyMedia, and also many many thanks to Scott himself for helping me out with this book, he gave me loads of input and feedback and I think that made the book into what it now is, a killer book for the model photographer. And there was a lot more of course but the book was for me I think the highlight of the year.
The workshops in Mexico were the most memorable because of the enormous warmth we were welcomed with, and we left with a lot of friends.
However without the responses from all of YOU, our social media and internet friends we would have never been able to do what we are doing and we are incredibly grateful for that, the website has exploded in the last year with new visitors and we hope to continue this boost in 2014. We have a lot of cool plans for 2014 so be sure to keep checking the social media and this website.
From our side we would like to wish every one of you personally but that’s a bit too much I think, so we will do it with this little card.
We wish you all a very good Christmas with the ones you love and a flashing 2014.
The next blog update will be after Christmas.
But we won’t go into the Christmas spirit without a small gift.
If you go to you can now order any instructional video you want with a cool 40% discount !!!!
Just use the code HOHOHO at checkout, see it as our little gift for Christmas.
We all know the feeling, it’s hot, you’re tired but you still want to make the shot right?
Well in most cases people will decide to just take the shot, get a cold drink and move on, but I think sometimes you just have to go that extra “mile”, in this case it was hardly a mile but it did take some climbing and convincing people.
The following shot was taken from the so called “kodak” point, or in other words a location that was dedicated to give the people a nice photograph. And let’s be honest… there’s nothing wrong with it.
Studio Frank Doorhof:
Constructieweg 8
8305 AA Emmeloord
The Netherlands
Or Email : [email protected]
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