My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Playing with light

Light is our language in photography.
When you play around with language you get poetry.
So why not play around with light……


All images were shot during a workshop with Lenaa using one strobe from the back.
Meter was used aimed approximately 45 degrees away from the camera to get the right balance between blowing out the sides but still keep enough detail in the face.


So don’t be afraid to break the “rules” because in “art” there are no rules in my opinion, it’s one big play area where you set the limits to what you do.

Lenaa December 28 2013 (33 of 79)-Edit

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A few analogue shots

Today just a few images I shot during the workshop we did for Servix in Belgium.
The images were shot with a Leica R4 and FujiFilm 400 ASA.
Scans are straight out of the camera.
Developed at home C41, scanned with an Epson V750.
With the portraits I played a bit with the scanners color balance, still in doubt which one I like most.

Servix workshops 2013 (4 of 6)

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Webinar DxO

Today I share the webinar I did for our friends at DxO in December.
Now normally webinars are sharing a desktop and sharing some tips and tricks for lightroom and Photoshop, however in this webinar we decided to do things a bit differently and we used cameras in the studio to show what I’m doing during a live photoshoot, but you will also see the whole process of selecting, retouching etc.


I’m joined in this webinar by our good friend Hector from DxO who also shares some of his secrets.
So check it out


Try something simple for once….. or twice

A lot of people always complicate light setups, if we bought we 4 lights we better use 4 otherwise the “wife” will be angry “why did you buy 4 if you only use 1” right?
However sometimes simple can be so much more spectacular.
Today two images with an incredibly simple light setup.


I used one Elinchrom head with the standard reflector and a grid.
Now most books, videos, workshops (including my own) start with the tip to get the light OFF CAMERA, well yeah that’s true… however that doesn’t mean that sometimes it’s very cool to shoot in the same direction as the light. In this case the light is of course OFF CAMERA, for the very simple reason that you “can’t” mount a studio strobe on your hotshoe (although I’m sure somewhere on ebay you will find an adaptor), but for this setup it’s actually just a little bit above my camera, so I’m shooting almost with on camera flash (only it’s placed about 40-50cm above the camera).


As you can see there is nothing wrong with the effect, it’s actually pretty cool.
The background is also very simple, it’s just wallpaper, we have several movable walls in our studio that are covered with wallpaper, we need app 2 rolls per wall so it’s very cheap and easy to change wallpapers if I’m bored with them.

nadine dec 27 201317646-Edit

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