My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Tip : using strobes and natural light

The difference between strobes and natural light.


I always tell my students during workshops that when they are shooting with strobes they should always also shoot some images with natural light, this way you can deliver many different looks from the same location to your client.


During the workshops in New York I shot this example which I like to share with you guys.


The first image is without strobes.
To meter this correctly I metered (incident) in front of the models face to get a proper exposure on the face, this meant that the windows would blow out to pure white, in the final tinting I toned down the highlights slightly for a more vintage look.

Workshops 5thfloor NY 29-30 August 2014  (6 of 277)

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Tip about shooting high-contrast on the street

Often photographers will try to find the light behind the photographer to get some light on the subjects. However one of the most interesting things that I love to do is finding that high contrast situation where you are actually shooting straight into the sun.

You can of course use objects to block the sun, or let it just “creep through”. So the next time you’re shooting on the street, don’t be afraid to shoot straight into the sun, or include it in the frame, I think you will be surprised 😀


I always love to include people to get some cool silhouette effects.

Augustus 27 2014 NY  (98 of 222)_DxO

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Some new images from Loes

Today some images from our model Loes shot during a workshop and webinar.

Loes Knorren Augustus 1 2014       11

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Inspired by blowup

One of the movies about photography that I really like is the movie “blowup”.
It’s an older movie but there is a very interesting scene in the movie that inspired me for the shots you’re gonna see in todays blogpost.


The images were shot during the “ultimate workshop weekend” in the Netherlands.
Models : Lenaa and Ian.


Ultimate weekend day 2 2393

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