My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Bertrie during workshop A-Z

Today some images I shot during the A-Z workshop this weekend with Bertrie.


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Finding angles… maximizing the scene

During workshops I always teach the attendees to maximize the scene by using different angles.
In this example, which was shot during the workshop in Castle Dussen, I walked around the model to get different angles from the set, different lighting effects, and even used the lens flare from the sun coming through the window to create totally different looks from the same set within seconds.


It’s a very simple technique that can really benefit you in situations where you are pressed for time and need to deliver a lot of different looks to your clients. But of course you should not only do it in those situations but always try to maximize your scene, and seeing the fact that’s it’s very easy to do…… don’t forget to do it 😀


By moving around you are not only creating different lighting effects (I always call this contrast control) but you are also showing different angles from your set/location, so do be careful that what you include in the shot should be there, if you see some cables it’s better to remove them before you take the shot than later in Photoshop.


Here are my samples.
Model : Nadine
MUA : Christa



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Results TPS Birmingham PtII

During the Photography show in Birmingham I taught several seminars/demos for X-rite, Smugmug, DxO and Expo Imaging. Now these demos are not really meant to shoot portfolio material of course, but sometimes there can be some pretty interesting shots, so I always select a few to share.

Today some of the shots I did with the Elinchrom ELC heads for DxO and X-Rite.

Model : Amber


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Results “TPS Birmingham”

During the Photography show in Birmingham I taught several seminars/demos for X-rite, Smugmug, DxO and Expo Imaging. Now these demos are not really meant to shoot portfolio material of course, but sometimes there can be some pretty interesting shots, so I always select a few to share.


Today some of the results I did for Expo Imaging, gear used was small flash with the flash bender products from Rogue.


Model : Amber


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