My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Video Freerunners with the Elinchrom HS system

Today the video we shot during the shoot with the Freerunners in Emmeloord testing out the new Elinchrom HS head.
As explained yesterday I was not going for the “standard” day to night look, I mainly wanted to see how far I could push the system to get a nice strobed look without those annoying black trails behind the jumpers which you would normally get when shooting ambient with strobes.


During the test with the Elinchrom HS system I also asked some local Forerunners if they would be interested to do some maneuvers for me to test out the HS system.


Now I was not really interested in doing a day to night shot (to easy) and to be honest the sky was FAR from interesting, so I decided to go for a more fill in flash look slightly overpowering the ambient, something that normally wasn’t possible because you would see irritating black trails behind the jumpers, but with the HS system this should be no issue at all… and indeed 😀 the system works flawless for this.


Now we only spend like 40 minutes with the guys, and it’s the first time I shot freerunners, so be gentle 😀
I wanted a more intense BW but I also included the color version because some people preferred the color versions.Freerunners 3 - November 01, 2015 b

Freerunners 3 - November 01, 2015 bw

Freerunners 10 - November 01, 2015 1b

Freerunners 10 - November 01, 2015 1bw

Freerunners 12 - November 01, 2015 1

Freerunners 12 - November 01, 2015

Freerunners 16 - November 01, 2015 BW

Freerunners 16 - November 01, 2015

Freerunners 17 - November 01, 2015 bw

Freerunners 17 - November 01, 2015

Freerunners 24 - November 01, 2015 bw

Freerunners 24 - November 01, 2015

Freerunners 31 - November 01, 2015

Freerunners 31 - November 01, 2015BW



Cyber Monday coupon code for our downloads

Looking for great discounts for Black Friday and Cybermonday, or just because…?


This weekend we have a 25% off on ALL our instructional videos to celebrate our open house and of course the holiday season, feel free to share the code with friends or online and let others also enjoy the discounts.


Surf to our download page and use the discount code “THANKYOU” for 25% off on all the videos.


For the Dutch people we also have a cool extra discount.
Book 2 workshops via and get a 100.00 discount on the second workshop, the date isn’t important, just select any workshop from the agenda on the site. It has to be a full day MTM workshop or ultimate weekend.


Manon 46 - November 22 2014_DxO edit


Images workshop Ammersoyen

Working on location is always fun, especially if that location is special.
During 2015 we’ve done several workshops in very special locations, now one might not expect it from the Netherlands but we do have a substantial number of castles and victorian houses, and we were very blessed to be able to teach a series of workshops in those stunning locations. Because in most of these locations it’s normally not allowed to shoot let alone give a workshop we had to be extra careful of course and select our sets with care.
Today some of the images from the workshop at Castle Ammersoyen with our model/stylist Nadine.


Model/Styling : Nadine
Assistants : Bart, Liselotte, Annewiek

Nadine 3 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 10 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 57 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 76 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 82 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 119 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 124 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 126 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 142 - November 06, 2015

Nadine 146 - November 06, 2015