My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

behind the closed DOORs May 31th 2016

In this episode some tips on photography, the final images from the Cosplay group and we are packing for the UK tour.

See what we bring gear wise and why.
I also show what I have on my iPad pro for entertainment.

And in the end we build in a DAB+ antenna into the RV with some tips.

A jampacked episode.
Tomorrow no update due to a day off but we will pick it up again on Thursday (If Internet allows).

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QF Ep67 Capture One and Adobe workflow

In this episode of Quite Frankly I walk you through my workflow of combining Capture One, Photoshop and Lightroom.

Support our work and subscribe.

Lensbaby in action (preview)

During the filming of our next installment in the “Mastering the model shoot” video series we also filmed a cool segment with the Lensbaby tilt lens. Today two quick teaser shots. As you can see Nadine did her best on the styling again 😀

Nadine MTM3 Mei 3  2016 0040

behind the closed DOORs May 30th 2016

In todays episode you see my retouch process and I’ll share some tips on this, the new sticked on the RV is put on and more.

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Let us know what you like about this vlog and/or what you would like to see more (or less).