My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Photoshop world Las Vegas 2016 classes

In July we took our family to Vegas for PSW 2016. They had never seen us perform for such big crowds. And because our son was helping, Annewiek could make a small backstage video. Including results. Check our schedule for more workshops in the USA:

Support our work. 

Love what we do online?Want even more tips and bts videos?

Want more digital classroom?
We are at a point where we would love to do more for you guys but we do need a little bit of support to be able to keep everything for free.

Via patreon you can support our work or just show your appreciation. 
Exciting things are going to happen. We’re thinking about switching to at least 2 more cameras for digital classroom and some in between streams. We’re also now streaming live to facebook and YT at the same time. 
Also the tips via the blog are now more frequent per request 😉 and of course we continue with “quite frankly” and “behind the closed DOORs”

If you join us via Patreon you not only make this all possible for us to achieve but you also get some cool benefits like “live chat Q&A sessions”, “image reviews”, “Maik support”, “your questions answered in the videos”, “discount codes for our videos and much more”, “live skype chats” etc etc. 
As usual we give a lot back 😉

So head on over and join us on patreon. We really appreciate your help. 

Images from the Irix lens review

Earlier this week you probably saw our video of the Irix lens.
If not….here it is


For you guys not speaking Dutch… (the video was recorded for a Dutch company), I was pretty impressed with the lens and the quality of the shots were very good. If they ever release a Sony version I will probably buy it for myself 😀
Today some of the images we shot during the video.



loads of tips in Behind the closed DOORs October 18 2016

In todays episode a lot of tips and you meet one of the new models for our workshops plus you get to see the results from the photoshoot and our open house.

This episode contains tips about :
A tip for renaming images and why you should do this.
Programming shortcuts in your wacom
Mirroring displays for color correction
Creative effects on your lens for free

and more….