My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

How to get your images of your iPhone fast and easy without extra apps

One of the things I always struggled with when using iOS is how to get large amount of photos and videos of my phone without jumping through hoops, using wifi or backup solutions.

I wondered why it was not possible to just connect the phone and drag the photos/videos to the desktop, just like my Android phone.
And well….. the answer was there all the time.

In todays video I show you how to use an MacOs native app to do it all super fast and easy, and it can also automatically start up when connecting your phone, for me a game changer, and I never knew it was there. Hope it helps you too.

Our new Clicki Background in action

Working on location or in a small studio brings all kind of challenges, let us solve at least one of them.
The background.

As you know I use clickbackdrops in our studio and on location.
But sometimes you need something smaller, easier to transport and super fast to setup.
Enter the Clicki.
Available in vinyl and profabric and a huge selection of prints (if you can’t find your favourite print let us know, we are still adding prints).

And for a new background you need a proper introduction right?
This is probably not it…

More info at


Behind the scenes during the PhotoDays 2023 with all the setups and results and my own music

In todays episode of Behind the Closed DOORs we take you with us during the PhotoDays 2023 in Brussels Belgium,
During the trade show we ran our own booth with Geekoto, Rogue, IQwire, ClickBackDrops and of course our workshops.

I ran demos almost back to back so you get to see a lot of the “action” and because Nadine and Felisa were there to help me with the shoots the results are pretty cool I think 😀

And a fun fact…
ALL the music you hear in the video was written, played and recorded by me.
Hope you enjoy the video, the results and the music.

Another fun fact.
The whole video was shot with the iPhone 15 pro Max and iPhone 15.
Pretty good for smartphones I think.

Results from the PhotoDays 2023 demo images

In todays blogpost some of the images I shot during the Photodays 2023 on our booth.
Remember that these images were shot in a very short period and where I have more attention for the explanation and the audience than thinking about the perfect shot.

But Nadine and Felisa were so awesome I just had to share the results, hope you enjoy them too.
And I could not resist to also bring a prop 😀

Strobes : Geekoto
Backgrounds : Clickbackdrops
Modifiers : Rogue magnetic system and Flashbender
Tethering : IQwire 10 mtr to iPad Pro running Cascable
Of course edited on BenQ monitors 😀