My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

The one with a rescue on sea….. Norway trip August 4 2018

Today in behind the closed DOORs we went out on sea with a nice boat and our local friend Bjorn. He had something special in mind that almost went wrong due to not so stable sea…..but we ended up with some very cool shots from the Norwegian Rescue chopper.

We also visited Helleren, a surreal place with very old (and tiny) houses build under a rock, you must see it believe it.

And we finished todays trip with a visit to a local fisher town.
This was an awesome day with loads of images and memories, and we all share it with you guys in this episode.

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The one with the rescue chopper

Being on the water is always nice.
And today Bjorn took us out with his boat to see something pretty cool.
In the blog today the images 🙂

Many thanks to Bjorn for being an awesome host today

Tip : angles and lines

We recently talked about lines in a shot, and this is actually the perfect addition to this.
Both these shots were taken during a recent workshop with our model Sheena.

Now when you’re shooting something like this you often sit down, aim your camera, make the composition, coach the model and shoot. The thing is….. during the workshop I asked the attendees which one they like the most, and don’t be surprised there were some that absolutely didn’t like the image below, but loved the image on top (I asked them forget about the pose, just the lines in the background), and of course some loved the one below (I’m also one of them).

Now as you might have guessed there is of course a reason I post this as a tip vlog.
When you shoot a scene like this, don’t just sit down and coach your model and take the shot….. no…. also make sure you take note of those leading lines, because they could make or break your shot. So check with your client or yourself what you really like the most. Or even better shoot all options 😀

Selfcleaning restroom for an RV…. Norway Day 2 BTCD

In todays episode we take the final step to Norway.
After arriving we immediately found something incredibly cool… a machine to clean the chemical restroom.

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

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