My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Tip for correcting white balance and color in all versions of Photoshop

In this episode of Digital classroom a beginners tip.

We all started out with JPG, and we probably also all know the problem that sometimes the colors didn’t look as nice as we want, so how do you correct this?

in this quick tip I share different approaches to this problem.
Do remember that this is a video aimed at the beginners and people that don’t shoot RAW (for whatever reason).

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

Want to support this channel?
And get a LOT of benefits?
Check out our Patreon: we really appreciate the help and support
Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
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Smoke and props and cosplay…. wow

The last workshop for the holiday, and what do you do….
Well not a standard workshop of course, we want to close with a BANG.
So I asked Norene to bring some of her amazing designs and combine that with smoke and some cool lighting…. and some props.
The results you can see now.

We started with a Supergirl outfit and I thought it would be cool to add the Hensel strobe with an accent reflector added, this really gave me the idea that Supergirl was holding a huge SF canon.

After Supergirl it was time for a more mythical creature.

After which we took the attendees for a game of “Mario Cart”

And as a bonus set we created this final setup


Ok Guys.
This is it
For the coming month the blog and vlog will be a travel experience, because we are on our way to Norway.
In September of course we are back with the workshops, and we have a JAMPACKED schedule so that’s going to be awesome.

Follow our travels on our YouTube channel and here.

Facebook taking another step in the “wrong” direction

This concerns EVERYONE that runs a blog or other social media…..
Normally when we update the blog wordpress automatically updates our profile and pages on facebook, as it does twitter, Linkedin etc. Now the opinions on the so called cross posting are divided into several camps, against and for…. and I’m in the for camp.

Let’s be honest.
There are a lot of social media platforms and I’m a one (two if you count Annewiek) man “show” meaning I have to do all my posting and editing etc. myself. So when I can save some time that’s very very welcome. And although I absolutely love social media and sharing my work and knowledge with you guys it’s now getting a lot harder.

At first it doesn’t really sound like much.
But starting August 1st Facebook doesn’t allow ANY (yes ANY) 3rd party app to post on facebook profiles anymore, you can still post on pages but your profile from then on will be 100% manual labor, meaning that every image, tip, question, video, update, blogpost, vlog etc. etc. you now have to manually post on facebook, find an image to accompany the post, type the text and post.

Now when we do workshops for example I make BTS images and post these on Google+ because I still feel Google+ is the best platform for photographers seeing it doesn’t change your images, from Google+ it’s posted on all my social media channels with a nice text, a link and an image, that works great and it doesn’t cost me extra time. Starting August 1st every creator now has to make a decision….. do I still update my profile…. do I only use pages or….. am I willing to put a lot of extra work into posting everything separate on Facebook.


I have no clue why Facebook thinks this is a wise decision. People are more and more fed up with Facebook because in essence only 5-10% of what people post gets seen by their fans, I’m getting more and more adverts, the apps are buggy as heck (I’ve been trying to hide a post from my time line for 3 months now and it just doesn’t want to) and….. You know what….. I don’t even want to spend time on this anymore.

I just wanted to share this with you guys and warn my fellow creators, in case they didn’t already know, about what’s coming.
And it ain’t good……

What’s your opinion?
Is Facebook indeed trying to see how far they can go?
Or do they actually want to kill their own product? (It sure seems like it)

Smoke props and cosplay BTCD July 28 2018

In todays episode I explain what smoke does to your lighting and how to maximize your results plus we take you behind the scenes during an awesome workshop with Norene.

Ultimate weekend link :

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And get a LOT of benefits?
Check out our Patreon: we really appreciate the help and support
Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
Facebook :
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Join the Mastering the Model Shoot facebook group:

See my gear guide (and buy it) via: