My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

A stunning overview

Today Lars showed us the most beautiful places he knew (and that were doable).
One of the sights was a huge glacier and although I already like the shot from the ground level (in fact I thought it was stunning) he told us to go up a little but higher…. and after that a little but higher….. and…. just a little bit more…… and….. only a few more climbs and we’re there…..

At some points I wanted to give up for the simple reason that in our country everything is pretty much flat and here we were walking literally up a mountain. Some parts with “stepping stones” or “a natural staircase” as they call it (love that), but also parts that…. well just went up very steep and you just had to find a way to walk up. Pretty intense stuff made harder by the very thin air, but…. we made it and indeed the view was amazing. Words can not do it justice, and in all honesty also not images, and even panorama shots… well just see what I mean, and remember…. in real life it was 100x more impressive.

Many thanks to Lars for being our awesome tourguide and taking the image on top.
You ROCK buddy, stay strong my friend.

An amazing overview and crazy truck driver August 9 2018

In todays episode we take you up the mountain for a stunning sight on a glacier and lake.

We filmed a suicidal truckdriver and a lot more stunning sites and photos.

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Tip : Add some lights

We all know we light our models or subjects with lights, right?
But sometimes it’s incredibly cool to also include a lightsource in the shot itself.
Take for example the image on top.
Now you have to remember that the strobes are pretty strong, so you need a light that actually emits a lot of light. In this case we used a Lumecube which gives a tremendous amount of light.

Always remember that the aperture is the setting for the strobe.
And remember that the shuttertime actually controls the ambient light vs the strobe. The slower the shutter speed… the more natural light. So in a case like this where you include a lumecube, just put the strobes as low as possible (use diffusers, feathering, whatever as long as the output goes down) and now use the shutterspeed to let the LumeCube get brighter.

If you shot some images including a LumeCube (or similar) feel free to show. Always love to see your work.

Photography is sometimes luck…..

We can all talk about being in the right place at the right time, technique, lighting etc.
But sometimes… luck is a HUGE factor.
I was sitting in the RV editing some images and Annewiek called out to me to come outside and bring the camera…. why?
Well look on top 😀