My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

New York promo September 1, 2019

We will be in New York again for another Mastering the Model Shoot workshop! Sunday, September 1. Frank will teach in a small group everything you need to know about lighting models. Of course, you will shoot your self.

More details and registering here:

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iPad Photoshop

Don’t get me wrong I love adobe and I absolutely love the way they are incorporating mobile into the workflow. I’ve been using Lightroom mobile/cc from day 1 and it really has come a long way. And one day I truly see it replacing Lightroom CC classic.

With the announcement of Photoshop for the iPad Adobe is making another step towards super mobile working and with the power of the new iPad pro it’s of course amazing to see what’s possible.

It also makes me wonder if I would run out and buy it and I must say “no” now if I was using an iPad pro and MacBooks it’s probably a no brainer and you already have the hardware. However a lot of people have been asking me if I would advise it to everyone.

Let me put that into perspective. I’m using 100% android and windows at the moment after being an apple fanboy for years and I’ve been literally playing with the idea to get an iPad pro with pencil solely for project rush and Photoshop seeing the fact that they probably won’t bring them to Android soon (please make being wrong)

However after thinking about it I wonder if it makes sense to buy it just for…. Again if you already own an iPad pro with pencil this is not for you. But most people I speak are thinking about buying everything for just those apps .

And I wonder if that’s a solid move. Because let’s be honest it’s not the real Photoshop. I rely on filters like alien skin, imagenomic portraiture, topaz etc for almost every shot. Will they be supported ?

For video editing the story is different. I could prepare a whole video on the go and finish it when I’m behind a normal PC/Mac.

When I look at the costs of adding an iPad pro and pencil to my laptop it would make much more sense just buying a Microsoft surface book or similar with digitizer and work from that as a laptop base, remove the screen and switch to tablet mode. This way I’m running a calibrated screen and full versions.

With the market of similar devices, meaning a base unit with a detachable screen I wonder how much extra value the iPad pro has in a non apple eco system.

Again I am over the moon with the opportunity to work on the road and can’t wait for project rush to hit Android but in the end I’ve tried using my iPad and m5 tablet for years in my workflow and unless I’m able to run on a calibrated screen, use colorcheckers in raw and plugins I personally don’t see a way I can use Photoshop on the go on a tablet

Now put this into perspective. If you’re a creative that creates art it’s without a doubt something I would run out for to get. But as a photographer there simply is way too much missing. Photoshop for me is an endstation. With Lightroom CC I do 90% on the go during trips and check all settings on the laptop or at home before I make final versions.

So overly excited about Photoshop on the iPad pro (can’t wait for Android) but I wonder what your opinion is.

Does Photoshop on the tablet market stands a chance if there is no support for plugins or calibrations/profile files? Or is the market (my prediction) within 3-5 years dominated by “semi” tablets that run full os versions.

For apple this will be a “slight” problem because the OS is not touch compatible. But on the other hand I think macos is easier to convert than windows.

So what is apple waiting for? In all honesty a MacBook pro with detachable screen and digitizer could draw me back to apple I’m afraid (if it’s not priced insanely) otherwise my next laptop will be the surfacebook 3 (yeah I’m totally sold after my demo period)

Feel free to give your opinion. Against and for.

For me to make it a succes and make me get an iPad pro for rush (already convinced) and Photoshop.

Does it handle custom camera profiles

Does the apple pencil supports a hover function so you can see where you place it (without it cloning is annoying)

How do they solve the sample option, when I clean skin or take out other problems I use the alt key almost constantly. I tried a few times programming my Wacom pen button but that just felt very awkward and slowed me down a lot

How good is the Apple iPad to judge shadow and highlight detail, most tablets don’t have a proper gamma or simply cut into shadow detail making it hard to retouch things away in shadow areas (also a problem on some laptops)

And of course plugins. Will it support my plugins I use on a daily basis or will you be locked into Photoshop and what Adobe offers. Loads of looks you can create with curves or blending layers of course. But things like natural looking grain, some film emulations etc are very hard to create without plugins.

As an addition. I’m always very excited when new tablet options are announced but over the years I ended up only using it for tethering on location, drawing, Lightroom and consuming media. Somehow that killer solution for and end product still hasn’t been there.

Do remember I’m talking from my perspective. A landscape photographer or street photographer has totally different demands of course.

New workshops

Breakthrough your creativity limits
Let’s see
We have large cubes, glass, mirrors, glitters, bubbles, gels, smoke (ofcourse), mirror balls, plexiglass, curtains, vinyl and a lot more material

Themes for the coming workshops?
Creativity to the max
More advanced lighting setups, continuous lighting, more color, extreme styling and a lot more.

Looking forward to the new workshops
Don’t let the names fool you. All workshops are refreshed. Still loads of techniques but even more creativity and multiple strobe setups

Workshops are in dutch when they are in our studio but if you let me know 2-3 weeks in advance we can do them in English.

A clean sensor is a happy sensor

Loads of people ask me about my opinion about cleaning their sensor. Often people let specialized shops do it for sometimes a lot of money and don’t realize that the moment they zoom (with some lenses) or change lenses they have new dust building up. Let me start by saying that cleaning a sensor is easy as can be. You’re actually not cleaning the sensor itself but the toplayer. Which is actually pretty strong. There is one thing you, however, have to be careful for.

Some sensors (like the Sony) have onboard image stabilization, this means the sensor is “kinda” floating, so when you apply pressure to the sensor you will actually see it move, now that’s not good of course, to solve this just go into the menu and activate “sensor cleaning” this way the sensor will do it’s “magic” and it will lock itself unless you turn the camera off and on again, this is the moment when you can easily just clean your sensor.


The in-camera one
To be honest, most cameras nowadays have sensor cleaning but to be clear, I never really had the idea it worked, yeah it sometimes did clean up a little bit but in essence, it’s the less effective way from what I’m going to discuss here.

Rocket blower
This is probably the most famous one, and for good reason, often all that is needed to get rid of that dust bulb is a good gust of clean wind. In all honesty, this really is a must buy, if you don’t own any of these well…. get out and get one. And don’t EVER blow into your chamber with your mouth, although cleaning a Medium Format sensor can be done by breathing on it and wiping it clean with a pecpad, this is something that should not and never been done inside a camera.

Get your rocket blower here

Arctic Butterfly
If I have to choose one device to use for cleaning, this is it. That’s also the reason I opened the article with an image of the arctic butterfly. I’ve been using them for quite some time now and the “new” versions with led lights are absolutely awesome. Operation is very simple, just activate the butterfly and let it run for a few seconds, stop and clean the sensor, it’s a very effective way of cleaning and takes out a lot more than the rocket blower. The main problem with dust is that not all dust is equal, some dust particles are just “resting” on the sensor and can be blown off, but some are a bit more sticky, and that’s where the butterfly comes to the rescue.

They are delivered in a sturdy case so you can take them with you on travels without worrying about damaging it. And trust me I’ve been in loads of situations where a rocket blower just didn’t do it’s work and being in the middle of nowhere without the option to clean your sensor at a camera store is amazingly annoying and takes a lot of time in Photoshop to clean up those beautiful shots, so if you only can take one device with you make sure it’s this one.

Get your butterfly here

Sensor swipes and Eclipse
If all else fails this is it. The wet method. In essence, there will always be dust that whatever you throw at it it will stay there, it’s like it’s glued to the sensor, now before you take out the paint remover (which you should not even thing about) you should invest in a bottle of eclipse and sensor swipes. I have to be honest, for me, wet cleaning is like a last resort, but it never let me down. I’ve cleaned sensors from students of mine that were so dirty that even on f8 you already saw the dust blobs appearing and after a good wet clean they were “perfect” again.

Get the sensor swipes here
And get the Eclipse here

There is one very important thing you have to keep in mind before you lose your sanity. There will ALWAYS be a little bit of dust on your sensor when shooting at f16 or f22, don’t worry about it, it will be gone in seconds in Photoshop/Lightroom etc. I actually never saw a 100% clean sensor in my life, there are some things you can do to prevent it from building up or getting really bad.

  1. Make sure you always switch lenses up side down and fast.
    don’t let the camera lay on it’s back with the lens mount wide open, change caps first and then the lens. No take the lens off with the camera facing down and immediately put the new lens on
  2. Don’t switch lenses in a windy or dusty environment
    Sounds obvious but you don’t want to know how many people I see changing lenses on the beach or even worse in the dunes.
  3. Don’t push the dust to the sides
    I see this a lot when people start out cleaning their sensors, they will move the dust to the sides of the sensor and don’t take notice, this dust will build up and before you know it it will be very hard to clean and you see a collection of dust particles in your corners or side.
  4. Make sure the dust is gone but don’t over do it
    A good cleaning should be pretty fast, don’t keep rubbing the sensor one good swipe from left to right and maybe one to check but that’s it. Check first and continue later


Of course there are more ways to clean a sensor including some I never even tried because somehow they feel a bit sketchy for me, like putting magic tape on your sensor and pulling it off (yeah I really read that somewhere) now let’s make one thing clear, yeah magic tape is supposed to not leave any trails but really seriously would you risk your sensor to that? I won’t. There are also some dustpickers out there with which you can select one dust particle and take it out via a sort of plunger effect, I never tried it because in all honesty with the 3 solutions above I never run into problems.

So what should you always bring?
One would say the rocket blower and although I use it a lot in the studio my choice is, however, the Arctic butterfly. It’s right in the middle of effectiveness between the rocket blower and the wet method and this means that when travelling within seconds I can clean my sensor more than enough to get clean shots for the rest of the trip when I’m home I can always do it “perfectly” with the wet method. And trust me nothing is more frustrating than being on a trip and shooting some stunning scenery and coming back in the hotel/RV and finding out your sky is littered with dust and you didn’t bring anything and there are no camera stores close by enough. Try driving an almost 10mtr RV into a city centre to get some cleaning stuff or lose some time on your trip to find a camera store that sells cleaning gear. So always bring at least one device that really does the trick and for me, the best allrounder is the Arctic Butterfly.


Any experiences from you guys?
Post them below


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