Entries by Frank Doorhof

Impossible project

During our stay in Vienna I visited the Impossible Project store, and could not resist to do a small interview with the Owner. As promised our webpodcast “The DOORhof is always open” will contain the longer episodes and some smaller ones, this is a smaller one 😀   The quality of the sound is not […]

Guestblog Alexander Schwarz

After the workshops I taught in Vienna I got such nice mails that I decided to ask one of the students to write a small overview of the days. Alexander in fact wanted to come to the Netherlands for the workshops and when I announced I was coming to Vienna he decided to join me […]

Workshops Austria Day 3

For the final day of the workshops in Austria we moved locations, the palace was wonderful but the next location got my creative juices flowing like crazy (hope this translates the way I mean it, if not sorry :D). After a 20 minute drive from our home base (the palace) we arrived at the castle. […]

Workshops Austria Day 2

Today the images from the second day of workshops in Austria. For the second day we also used the Palace. However I used a slightly different approach for the shots. For the first set we moved to the so called mirror room and the students were given a very simple assignment (well so they thought), […]