Entries by Frank Doorhof

Sony Xperia Z1 Compact ongoing review Pt1

In todays world we are all connected, being via a tablet, phone, computer or whatever device you prefer.
As you all know there are several devices but I always think of them as follows, the Apple devices and the Android devices, yeah I know I skip some devices but let’s be honest these two are the biggest. Now it’s no secret I use a lot of Apple product (as most creative people I think), that doesn’t mean however that I’m not interested in what else is going on and how that can improve my workflow, work or give me more creative options…… I guess you are the same way right?

2.2 million visitors wow

Cool, www.frankdoorhof.com has now passed the 2.2 million pageviews…. I still remember the post I made for the 1 million and said I hoped that the 2 million would follow as quick as the 1 million… well it went a LOT faster, thanks so very much for this. On www.frankdoorhof.com I try to update the […]