Entries by Frank Doorhof

Quick tip

We all know the internet right? A place where everyone has their own voice or can say what they want. But also a place where you can find back a lot about people.  So the next time someone posts that they can’t learn anything from you, your work sucks, your photography or video is bad….. […]

Create stunning images with smoke BTCD June 2 2017

In todays episde we take a look at working with smoke during the workshop “Smoke and props” If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them. Gear used : Phottix Odin : http://amzn.to/2sjIg64 Phottix Indra : http://amzn.to/2qG2eGT Phottix Strata : http://amzn.to/2qFQQuR Use your Elinchrom […]

New headphones 

Never thought I would buy these http://amzn.to/2sg9lXN but we had great success with the older 20 series and I really loved those. Only problem was the pressure effect on your ears with noise cancellation and the fact they didn’t work without.  During air travel not a real problem but when using them at home I […]