Entries by Frank Doorhof

Digital Classroom, November 8

In these broadcasts, you see live photo shoots once a month in a 2-hour episode. But during the month you also get several shorter episodes with Q&A and smaller tips. Everything in the digital classroom is 100% interactive you can participate via YouTube and Facebook live. info about this episode: Frank will take you abroad! […]

Lighting techniques workshop and more BTCD Nov 4 2017

In todays episode we take you behind the scenes during the workshop lighting techniques and we show you the preperations for the workshop tomorrow in which we will also officially precent the dutch translation of “Mastering the modelshoot” You can get the video here : https://frankdoorhof.com/videos If you liked this video give it a big […]

YouTube…. watch out….

I’m a huge YouTube fan. I love to watch but most of all I love to create new exciting and interesting stuff for you guys, the community. The main platform at the moment is of course YouTube. However a lot is going on. Because it’s the largest platform everyone loves to earn some money, often […]