Waiting for the right light Part II

This is Part II, make sure to first read Part I here… 

As talked about in Part I, sometimes you don’t have an option to wait for the perfect light, and in all honesty sometimes there is… well no perfect light. Take for example this example. I wrote the first article well before I was able to shoot the evening shots, hoping for a stunning sunset I was…. well to say the least very disappointing, there was no sunset. Well ok the sun did go down but no beautiful sight, it just became…. well… darker.

But don’t worry, you can still see what I mean.
Let’s first take a look at the evening shots (again make sure you first take a look at Part I)

Now although it might not be that perfect sunset…. I still think it’s pretty cool.
But wait…. don’t go to sleep yet.
What about when you finally wait till it’s pitch dark outside and than take your camera out and shoot in that total darkness. Believe it or not but the most beautiful things can happen.

Do make sure to bring a good and sturdy tripod. I use the Benro Carbon fibre myself. It’s a bit more expensive but in the end you really regret it if you buy something else. It’s often the case with tripods that people first buy something too light, than something way too heavy and eventually or give up on it, or buy the carbon fibers….. well beter do it right away, this tripod will last me a life long of shooting. You can find the Benro’s here.

So… lets take a look at those night shots.

As you can see it almost looks like a completely different world. I absolutely love these kind of images, it’s just a shame you have to stay up so late 😀

Feel free to show your shots here.