Oh yes. Alien skin 4 is coming ;)

I’ve had some sneak peaks ofcourse and this is so awesome. It’s a huge update.

You can find more and order here.

But let’s see :

RAW Processing Enhancements

Improved shadow and highlight recovery enables you to extract the maximum amount of detail from your RAW images, and faster photo processing times speed up your editing.

Fully Adjustable Light Effects

Exposure’s high-quality light effects are now fully adjustable, so you can freely move and rotate them to place them precisely where you want in your image, enabling gorgeous new creative looks. (Been waiting for this a long time)

Transform Tools

The new transform tools enable you to easily correct tilted or skewed perspective, such as keystoning of buildings in architectural photography.

Smart Collections

Exposure now helps you organize your photo library by automatically populating collections based on camera data and criteria you apply to your photos. Keywords, ratings, color labels, flags, and camera metadata like ISO and shutter speed are just some of the information that Exposure can query to build a smart collection. It’s a really useful way of speeding up your photo library organization, making it super easy to find specific images.

Monitored Folders for Tethered Shooting

You can now edit, cull, and share your images in Exposure with a client or subject during a tethered shoot thanks to Exposure’s new monitored folders. This includes being able to have Exposure automatically apply one or more of Exposure’s gorgeous presets to your images as they appear on screen during the shoot. Also a HUGE upgrade. Just run the software from your camera and voila instant looks that you want.

This is a big thing because now your client (and you) can literally see the end results and you can much easier fine tune everything.

Speed Enhancements

File export times are now up to 60% faster, launch times have been reduced by a third, and your photos will load up to 30% faster.

Additional Features

  • Support for new cameras and lenses
  • Print presets for easy printing straight from Exposure
  • Lightroom migration tool helps you move your workflow from Lightroom to Exposure
  • Expanded workflow options for image copying and exporting

Now is the Perfect Time to Purchase Exposure

If you don’t yet own Exposure, now is the perfect time to purchase it. You dont need to wait until Exposure X4 is out to enjoy the many benefits of editing and organizing your photos with Exposure.

That’s because they’ll be sending out free upgrades to Exposure X4 when it’s released to anyone who purchased Exposure X3 on or after July 1st, 2018.

And for those who purchased any version of Exposure before July 1st, the current license code qualifies them for an upgrade price of $99.

I’m super super phsyched about this update and can’t wait for you guys to also work with it.

Alien skin has been my favorite tinting program for years and 4 makes it so so much better. And finally we can share the news with you guys.

Get a free 30 day trial here