Behind the closed DOORs July 7 2016

In todays episode the first day in SF.
We visit some sightseeing locations including a collection of old entertainment machines and some Comic Book Stores.
Mostly just having some fun.

Some images from Ingrid shot during digital classroom

Today some images from Ingrid we shot during the last digital classroom.

ingrid june 15 2016  0005

ingrid june 15 2016  0045

Behind the closed DOORs July 6 2016

In todays episode the trip to San Francisco, and it shouldn’t be a “Doorhof” adventure if everything went smooth lol…. watch the “horror”

Congrats Annewiek (and Frank)

Today is a VERY special day…..

First of all it’s the first day we are in San Fransisco (we just arrived), but also because today…… drumroll….. is our anniversary.
July 7th 1997 at 19:07 Annewiek and I got married (yeah).

Some people live together and sometimes wish for a weekend without the “ball and chain” and don’t get me wrong that’s ok by me. But for me marrying Annewiek was making a bond with my soulmate, we always try to travel together and in fact up until now we always managed to do this because when we are together we feel we can do anything and when we are not together it just isn’t fun. So although we are far away from home we are gonna celebrate today by doing some sightseeing and having a nice family diner, because we are indeed together, and we feel incredibly blessed that with our business we have that option to work and travel together.


Happy anniversary Annewiek 😀