Photographing cemeteries

Sometimes you stumble across an e-book where you think “this is different”, this is what I thought when I looked through Glenn Guys book “Photographing Cemeteries”



Somehow cemeteries always have a certain “pull” on me, especially the old ones like “greyfriars” or “Glasgow Necropolis”  but also “Hollywood remembered” they all have something mysterious, interesting and above all they have some amazing art and great photo options. In his e-book Glenn gives you several stories and shows some great images and adds techniques and tips. If you are like me always looking for new angles to look at stuff to make your photography more interesting make sure to check out his e-book.


You can find it here :


Some of the images I shot from the places we visited.
Birmingham Maart 7 2013 - (139 of 294)

Birmingham Maart 7 2013 - (223 of 294)

Maart 8-9 2013 UK -  (11 of 205)-Edit

Maart 8-9 2013 UK -  (20 of 205)-Edit

Mei 24 2013 (171 of 366)-Edit

Mei 24 2013 (206 of 366)-Edit

Schotland 25 Maart 2009 canon 80

UK Maart 1-2 2013 (110 of 201)-Edit

UK Maart 1-2 2013 (119 of 201)-Edit-2