Mini review Petri 50mm 1.7

In the series of old lenses to have fun with today the Petri 50mm 1.7
I can’t find a lot about this lens except that it’s probably from the 70’s-80’s.


During Queensday we went out and bought a whole bag of camera gear for 5.00 including a Pentax SuperME camera including some film, which I’m now also shooting but will share that later next month. Also in the bag was a Petri 50mm 1.7 lens which (with the proper adaptor) fits my SonyA99, now the main advantage of the A99 is the peaking option when using M focus lenses.


Because we bought the whole bag for 5.00 what can you expect…. well let’s say it’s nowhere near my best lens in the M mount but it’s pretty fun to play with, loads of flare and washed out colors.
So after some DxO and Alien skin film looks I came up with these 😀


Would I recommend you buying the lens?
No, unless you want the washed out look when there is just a bit of sun, however it also depends on what you pay, for anything below 10.00 it’s always fun to experiment with and play around with looks after wards. I love the way the old lenses are “steering” me towards a certain look in DxO and Alien Skin, with the good lenses you are presented almost perfect images so there is a lot to play with but it’s always….. well almost perfect if you know what I mean. With these kind of lenses you actually do get reasonably sharp images but the contrast is absolutely horrendous so you start playing a bit more, this does boost the fun I have, so below 10.00 go and get it, above that no way.

Kermis Emmeloord Mei 4 50mm 1.7 Pentri_-4-Edit

Kermis Emmeloord Mei 4 50mm 1.7 Pentri_-6-Edit

Kermis Emmeloord Mei 4 50mm 1.7 Pentri_-9-Edit

Kermis Emmeloord Mei 4 50mm 1.7 Pentri_-15-Edit

Kermis Emmeloord Mei 4 50mm 1.7 Pentri_-21-Edit


4 replies
  1. John Rios
    John Rios says:

    WOW, a blast from the past! I still have my Father’s Petri 7s with screw-on Telephoto lens sitting with my Minolta/Sony lens, I know my Dad will get some enjoyment reading your blog today. Thanks for sharing the small thing not quite within the mainstream!

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