the new rogue strip

Nadine Februari 15 2115-EditI love the guys from Expoimaging, it’s a company that really listens to the wishes of their customers.
I already loved the flashbenders but when I said I would love a strip version it didn’t take that long before they gave me a beta sample of the strip that is released this month, and I can tell you IT ROCKS. Make sure to check it out as soon as it’s released, I’m 100% sure you’re gonna love it.


If you like what we do with the blog and you want this product (and I’m sure you will) please order it via this link at B&H (they ship worldwide)


Today two images I shot with Nadine while testing the striplight. Also make sure to check out our video with the new flash benders which will be released soon.

Nadine Februari 15 2118-Edit


19 replies
  1. jackie
    jackie says:

    how does this strip differ from the (5″x 9″ / 127mm x 228mm) ‘bounce card’? is it the same but now with the addition of the diffuser panel?

  2. Fred W
    Fred W says:

    stunning images frank , ive just got a flash bender and still learning what can be done with such a light simple piece of gear.

  3. John
    John says:

    I was doing the World Championship BBQ in Houston last month and did not like the look I was getting using a mini softbox on the flash . So I stopped by the camera store there in Houston and picked up a small flash bender….all I could say was wow. I will be getting the large and now the strip.Thanks Frank your a big help when it comes to where to spend money.

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